AltWeeklies Wire

Are Santa Cruz Pot Dispensaries Making A Profit?new

The Santa Cruz City Council may soon force the city's two medical pot dispensaries to prove they don't make a profit.
Good Times Santa Cruz  |  Curtis Cartier  |  03-30-2010  |  Drugs

FDA Late to Fight Rampant Abuse of OxyContinnew

An estimated 70 percent of Central Coast heroin addicts start out on pharmaceuticals like OxyContin. Now, after widespread abuse, the FDA is looking to clamp down on drug makers. For Stefan R., a recovering addict, the efforts are too little, too late.
Good Times Santa Cruz  |  Curtis Cartier  |  12-17-2009  |  Drugs

Junkie Town: Santa Cruz's Heroin Problemnew

In the woods just outside Santa Cruz, heroin is laying waste to a hidden population.
Good Times Santa Cruz  |  Curtis Cartier  |  12-02-2009  |  Drugs

After 15 Years, Medical Marijuana Pioneers Face the End of a Dreamnew

Because of a perfect storm of factors -- plummeting donations, the DEA raid of the property in 2002, death and taxes -- Valerie and Michael Corral can no longer afford to stay in her home, and the Wo/Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana is losing its iconic garden.
Good Times Santa Cruz  |  Jessica Lussenhop  |  11-13-2008  |  Drugs

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