AltWeeklies Wire
Memphis' Media-Friendly Floodnew

The Mississippi River flood of 2011 went viral over the weekend, with television reporters for all of the major networks donning waders to report from low-lying areas in Memphis. That caused a combination of amusement and exasperation for local officials as the river passed 47.7 feet on the Memphis gage, one foot below the all-time record set in 1937.
The Memphis Flyer |
John Branston |
05-09-2011 |
Shades of Gray: Confusion Reigns in the Wake of Tennessee Coal-Ash Spillnew

TVA's Dec. 22 coal-ash spill attracted an array of scientists, attorneys, politicians, and provocateurs to Kingston, Tenn., including environmental advocate Erin Brockovich who hosted a town hall meeting.
The Memphis Flyer |
Chris Davis |
01-23-2009 |
The Windless Hurricanenew
Twenty-one months after Katrina, residents of Bay St. Louis, Miss., are still in the center of a storm.
The Memphis Flyer |
Chris Davis |
05-25-2007 |
Tags: disasters
Under Developmentnew
Eight months after Katrina, big problems -- and a few opportunities -- confront the Gulf Coast and New Orleans.
The Memphis Flyer |
John Branston |
05-12-2006 |
Desolation Rownew

In the ruins of coastal Mississippi, uncertainty reigns supreme.
The Memphis Flyer |
Chris Davis |
02-06-2006 |
Escape From New Orleansnew
Military reservist Evan Wolf gives a first-hand account of the roof being ripped off New Orleans' Superdome and the looting of Wal-Mart in the turmoil that followed Hurricane Katrina.
The Memphis Flyer |
Jackson Baker |
09-05-2005 |