AltWeeklies Wire

This is the Way the World Endsnew

There are lots of theories out there about the exact way we're all gonna die on Dec. 21. Pick your favorite theory from the options below. Some are real. Others we threw in for fun.
Charleston City Paper  |  Susan Cohen  |  12-13-2012  |  Disasters

Some Tips From A Survivalistnew

Have a hurricane kit. Steve Mosher learned that even before he moved to Charleston. Make sure there's a gallon of water for every person in the house. Don't forget the non-perishables either. "It's not about how much money you have in a crisis situation," he says, "because when Katrina hit Baton Rouge, it didn't matter how much money you had.
Charleston City Paper  |  Susan Cohen  |  12-12-2012  |  Disasters

Latest updates About Hurricane Irenenew

Here she comes.
Charleston City Paper  |  Joshua Curry  |  08-26-2011  |  Disasters

Hurricane Study Reveals Reluctance to Leavenew

The Harvard hurricane study may also convince folks to stay home for the next big one.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  08-08-2007  |  Disasters

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