AltWeeklies Wire
Portland: Comic Meccanew

So by now everyone in Portland knows that, to quote one of the most cliched newspaper headlines ever, "comics aren't just for kids anymore."
The Portland Mercury |
Alison Hallett |
04-24-2008 |
Ninjas! Robots! Feminism!new

This week, the acclaimed comic book Y: The Last Man comes to an end.
The Portland Mercury |
Erik Henriksen |
01-24-2008 |
Tags: Brian K. Vaughan, Y: The Last Man
Grad Students Challenge Intelligent Designnew
Barbara Shaw and other graduate students are calling on the Library of Congress to re-classify intelligent design books into sections other than the science section.
The Portland Mercury |
Amy J. Ruiz |
11-01-2007 |
Tags: design, intelligent