AltWeeklies Wire

Spinning Inside the South Town Tavernnew

“I think this is the last Tejano bar,” said Antonio Alvarez, a South Town Tavern regular. “I come here every Friday after work.”
San Antonio Current  |  Veronica Anne Salinas  |  11-17-2011  |  Recreation

Music-astute Northside Club Aspires to be More Than Just Another Strip Venuenew

You’ve probably heard about Endless Music’s recent format change. In September, the club (formerly Scout Bar at Hwy 281 and Redland) was acquired by Sugar’s/Perfect 10 Clubs.
San Antonio Current  |  Adam Villela Coronado  |  11-10-2011  |  Recreation

Peddling Forerunners Already Prepared SA Streets for Two-wheelersnew

Last Sunday’s Síclovía, the mass ride that brought 15,000 people to bicycle, skateboard, and jog down a four-mile stretch of Broadway for four hours while autos were rerouted, was the first SA edition of the international ciclovía movement (Spanish for “bike path”), a fresh-air party celebrating fitness through human-powered transportation.
San Antonio Current  |  Scott Andrews  |  10-06-2011  |  Recreation

In Case This is the Year You Finally Put Those Binoculars to Use

When fall hits, Nature trades in her summer decor for rich, autumnal color.
San Antonio Current  |  Brandon R. Reynolds  |  09-29-2011  |  Recreation

International Artists on the Dalai Lamanew

Good endings are important. “The Missing Peace: Artists Consider the Dalai Lama,” on view at SAMA to July 31, is finishing a five-year international tour at a location well suited for the exhibition.
San Antonio Current  |  Scott Andrews  |  07-08-2011  |  Recreation

Colony of Mexican Free-Tailed Bats Gaining a Followingnew

At dusk under the I-35 bridge at Camden Street a small crowd lingers. They bob their heads between wristwatches and cell phones and something above not yet visible.
San Antonio Current  |  Patricia Portales  |  07-08-2011  |  Recreation

Balls Outnew

Digital invaders have vanquished the game gods of old, but pinball passion still survives in a dark corner or two.
San Antonio Current  |  Kiko Martinez  |  11-29-2006  |  Recreation

Born to Roll: Alamo City Rollergirls Are Tough on the Tracknew

Forget Raquel Welch in Kansas City Bomber. Today's roller derby is not your mother's beer-throwin' cat fight. It's a tough, competitive sport in which women can get their teeth knocked out.
San Antonio Current  |  Susan Pagani  |  07-22-2005  |  Recreation

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