AltWeeklies Wire

The Top 500 Games of All Timenew

Super Smash Brothers to Pac Man.
Boston Phoenix  |  Phoenix Staff  |  01-05-2011  |  Video Games

Players Only: A Peek Inside the World of Harmonixnew

Harmonix Music Systems is a Cambridge video-game company behind the Rock Band franchise and Guitar Hero. You may have seen the ad for its upcoming Beatles game -- it was recently playing on 100-foot screens behind Sir Paul at Fenway.
Boston Phoenix  |  Matt Parish  |  08-19-2009  |  Video Games

'Rock Band 2' Keeps it Rollingnew

No need to double-check your calendar -- Rock Band 2 really is available only 10 months after the release of the original.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mitch Krpata  |  10-02-2008  |  Video Games

The Politics of Video Gamesnew

Violent video games don't really turn players into criminals, but their defenders do have a duty to confront the controversies they create.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mitch Krpata  |  04-24-2008  |  Video Games


If board-game giant Hasbro has its way, there'll be no more online triple-word-scores for Scrabulous devotees.
Boston Phoenix  |  Georgiana Cohen  |  02-05-2008  |  Video Games

In a Bit of a Jamnew

Rock Band, the follow-up to video-game smash Guitar Hero lets everybody play -- even the weakest link.
Boston Phoenix  |  Ryan Stewart  |  11-15-2007  |  Video Games

'America's Army': Candylandnew

The US Army wants you ... to take on-screen violence seriously.
Boston Phoenix  |  Ben Richardson  |  05-03-2007  |  Video Games

Six ... and 'Zero'new

Somebody at Namco must have lost track of how many Ace Combat sequels there were, thrown up his hands, and decided the hell with it -- I'm going with number zero!
Boston Phoenix  |  Mitch Krpata  |  05-11-2006  |  Video Games

Not-So-Great Apenew

Peter Jackson’s King Kong has a long title, a big monkey but not much else.
Boston Phoenix  |  Aaron Solomon  |  01-09-2006  |  Video Games

Video Games for 2006new

Sony's PlayStation 3 and Nintendo's Revolution are both slated to launch in 2006, though specific release dates -- like many pertinent details about the systems -- have yet to be disclosed.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mitch Krpata  |  12-30-2005  |  Video Games

Power of Attorneynew

Phoenix Wright isn’t a cyborg attorney from the future, or an attorney cum hitman. He’s a regular defense lawyer, and he instantly becomes one of the most engaging video-game protagonists to date.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mitch Krpata  |  12-12-2005  |  Video Games

Life Less Ordinarynew

Continuing in the puzzling but welcome tradition of previous platform-exclusive titles like the Grand Theft Auto series, last year's Half-Life 2 lands on the Xbox.
Boston Phoenix  |  Aaron Solomon  |  12-05-2005  |  Video Games

This Is Hard-Corenew

Will the Xbox 360 revolutionize home entertainment forever? Sure — that is, until the PS3 comes out. Plus a sidebar on the ghosts of consoles past.
Boston Phoenix  |  Chris Dahlen  |  11-18-2005  |  Video Games

The Trouble with Dribblesnew

NBA Live 06: Pretty colors, hard controls, really hard CPU.
Boston Phoenix  |  Aaron Solomon  |  11-11-2005  |  Video Games

Sweet Sorrownew

Sony's Shadow of the Colossus is no ordinary game -- it's art.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mitch Krpata  |  11-08-2005  |  Video Games

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