AltWeeklies Wire

As a Famous Desegregation Case Gets its Historical Due, One Family Feels Left Outnew

Mendez v. Westminster never made it into the official Orange County story, though, existing only in the historical margins of ethnic studies. But this wrong is finally being righted. But one plaintiff family -- the Ramirezes -- feel like they're being written out of this newly filled historical gap.
OC Weekly  |  Gustavo Arellano  |  11-10-2009  |  History

The Clash Between the Black Panthers and the Santa Ana Police, 40 Years Laternew

"I think people want to forget this," former Orange County Black Panther head Daniel Lynem says. "If they could wipe it from the history books, they would. And for the most part, they have."
OC Weekly  |  Gustavo Arellano and Gabriel San Roman  |  09-15-2009  |  History

Meet the Klansman Who Helped to Found Orange Countynew

How Dr. Henry William Head's KKK membership was wiped from the Orange County history books is really a story of how local scholars highlight selected parts of our story.
OC Weekly  |  Gustavo Arellano  |  04-22-2008  |  History

Grove of Dreamsnew

The life and times of orange picker-turned-big leaguer Jesse Flores.
OC Weekly  |  Gustavo Arellano  |  04-10-2007  |  History

Gunkist Orangesnew

The Citrus War of 1936 is the most important event in Orange County history you've never heard of.
OC Weekly  |  Gustavo Arellano  |  06-09-2006  |  History

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