AltWeeklies Wire
Do Bloggers Deserve First Amendment Protection?new

U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham pushes media shield law — and questions who should be covered by it.
Columbia Free Times |
Corey Hutchins |
06-05-2013 |
Tags: Lindsey Graham, Media Shield Laws
McClatchy's The State to Charge for Online News Content in Decembernew

Next month, The State newspaper will begin charging readers to view its online news content, erecting what is known in the industry as a digital paywall.
Columbia Free Times |
Corey Hutchins |
11-07-2012 |
Lawyer for S.C. Attorney General Wants Reporter's Notesnew

S.C. GOP Attorney General Alan Wilson is listed as a plaintiff in a broad subpoena that asks a local reporter to turn over her private notes and conversations.
Columbia Free Times |
Corey Hutchins |
08-29-2012 |
More S.C. Papers to Charge for Online Accessnew

A company that owns five newspapers in South Carolina, including The State, announced that it will soon start charging readers to view online news content.
Columbia Free Times |
Corey Hutchins |
08-17-2012 |
Tags: Newspaper Paywalls
South Carolina's Broadband: How Officials Quietly Privatized a Key State Assetnew
To its supporters, auctioning off the state's broadband spectrum has meant snaring millions of much-needed dollars for the state's ailing coffers. But opponents say the deal privatizes the public trust and will deepen the state's massive digital divide.
Columbia Free Times |
Corey Hutchins |
11-19-2009 |
Media Madnessnew
Burma Strikes Back: Authorities Cull Published Photos in Search for Protesters. Also: RIAA Wins First File-Sharing Jury Trial; Microsoft Scores Rare PR Victory; Gives Lowdown on Your Neighbors.
Columbia Free Times |
Dan Cook |
10-11-2007 |
Tags: media
Media Madnessnew
The new book Moving a Nation to Care lays out the ongoing cost of war in terms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Also: Judge rules parts of newly revised PATRIOT Act unconstitutional.
Columbia Free Times |
Dan Cook |
09-12-2007 |
Tags: media
Media Madnessnew
Espresso Book Machine debuts; also, Hillary Clinton and the Murdoch-Dow Jones deal; study confirms importance of online politics.
Columbia Free Times |
Dan Cook |
08-09-2007 |
Tags: media
Media Madnessnew

Are Republicans afraid of YouTube? Also: Wasting time online; magazine publishers look to Internet for new readers.
Columbia Free Times |
Dan Cook |
08-01-2007 |
Tags: media
Fighting for Privacy
Google snubs the Bush adminstration on its demand for search records.
Columbia Free Times |
Dan Cook |
01-25-2006 |
Tags: media
Media Madness
As a South Carolina weekly cries arson, Howard Stern makes $220 million and Book of Daniel creates a stir.
Columbia Free Times |
Dan Cook |
01-11-2006 |