AltWeeklies Wire
Postal Stress for Indie Pressnew
An impending postage rate hike means headaches for Portland's small-press hub of niche publications.
Willamette Week |
Julie Sabatier |
05-23-2007 |
Tags: media
The Blog Fog: Media Shield Lawnew
Does Oregon law protect bloggers?
Willamette Week |
Nicholas DeShais |
05-16-2007 |
Tags: media
Blazers Gazersnew
The Oregonian's odd attempt to bring in an outside ref to examine its coverage of the Blazers.
Willamette Week |
Nigel Jaquiss |
11-08-2006 |
Tags: media
Why Portland won't follow other cities' lead and filter its wi-fi network.
Willamette Week |
Brittany Schaeffer |
10-25-2006 |
Tags: media
Correspondents Coursenew
The Oregonian faces a federal lawsuit from two former writers.
Willamette Week |
Nigel Jaquiss |
10-25-2006 |
Tags: media
New Rootsnew
Portland's paper sold by the homeless isn't only about the homeless anymore.
Willamette Week |
Jake Thomas |
08-10-2006 |
Tags: media
Meth Watch in Portlandnew
Willamette Week's examination of The Oregonian's coverage of meth generates a lot of local and national commentary about the so-called "epidemic" and the media's treatment of it.
Willamette Week |
Staff |
03-30-2006 |
Tags: crystalmeth
"Meth Madness"new

AltWeeklies Award - Media Reporting
Willamette Week |
Angela Valdez |
03-22-2006 |
Tags: crystalmeth, media
Clique Herenew

The brains behind Urban Honking and Ultimate Blogger have no budget, no credentials and no idea how they got so popular.
Willamette Week |
Zach Dundas and Mark Baumgarten |
03-01-2006 |
Tags: media
Great Wall of Censorshipnew
An American reporter in China finds that the modernization of the economy doesn't extend to the free flow of information.
Willamette Week |
Mark Zusman |
10-04-2004 |
Tags: media