AltWeeklies Wire

San Francisco Chronicle Totally Gives Up on Journalismnew

Executives at Hearst Corporation have confirmed that, by appointing the former Chief Revenue Officer of to be President of the San Francisco Chronicle, they are saying "screw it" to journalism.
SF Weekly  |  Benjamin Wachs  |  01-13-2014  |  Media

This American Life Tells Podcaster: No Whores Allowednew

Late last year, sex worker and activist Siouxsie Q began producing a podcast in the living room of her apartment called This American Whore. This January, she started to get e-mails from lawyers representing Chicago Public Media and Ira Glass, demanding that she change the name of her podcast or face legal action.
SF Weekly  |  Chris Hall  |  02-06-2013  |  Media

Top 5 Ways Bleacher Report Rules the World!new

Unpaid writers churn out terrible articles and the owners get a $200 million payday. It's a web success story.
SF Weekly  |  Joe Eskenazi  |  10-05-2012  |  Media

Why The Bay Citizen Can't Hack It Alone Anymorenew

After two years in operation, the Bay Citizen is being taken over by the Center for Investigative Reporting. How did this happen?
SF Weekly  |  Benjamin Wachs  |  02-13-2012  |  Media

What Would Clint Reilly Do If MediaNews Tries to Buy the 'Chronicle'?new

Two years ago, San Francisco real estate magnate Clint Reilly successfully blocked an attempt by Hearst Corporation and MediaNews to combine some of their local business and sales operations. That was then and this is now.
SF Weekly  |  Will Harper  |  03-04-2009  |  Media

Conservative Arizona Couple Gets Judge to Gag Gay Bloggernew

On his blog and on a gay news website, David Nahmod chronicles a bizarre saga of a so-called straight conservative couple preying on his vulnerable ex-boyfriend to break up their relationship in 2005. He says his ex, Beecher Goodwin, has been "brainwashed" against him and to continue living with Stephen Polich and Kathryn Rock at their home in the Phoenix 'burbs.
SF Weekly  |  Lauren Smiley  |  08-20-2008  |  Media

Insiders at San Fran's Daily Paper Hate the Ex-Mayor's New Columnnew

People in and around the San Francisco Chronicle newsroom -- which still includes news scribes dedicated to the pursuit of truth -- are sickened by the new Willie Brown deal. "Real journalists in the room were appalled by it," said one insider familiar with the mood at the paper.
SF Weekly  |  Matt Smith  |  07-31-2008  |  Media

Death, Maiming, Money, and Muninew

AltWeeklies Award - Investigative Reporting
SF Weekly  |  Peter Byrne  |  04-21-2008  |  Media


AltWeeklies Award - Investigative Reporting
SF Weekly  |  Lisa Davis  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

"San Francisco Dog Court," "My Dinner with White Supremacists," "Rise of the Podcasting People"new

AltWeeklies Award - Cover Design
SF Weekly  |  Darrick Rainey  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

Sounds of Successnew

AltWeeklies Award - Arts Feature
SF Weekly  |  Matt Palmquist  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

Let the Sun Shine, You Hypocritesnew

Journalism is under attack from lefties who promote public access to information.
SF Weekly  |  Matt Smith  |  03-26-2008  |  Media

The Newspaper Guild vs. Dean Singletonnew

Newspaper unions across the country are closely watching how the Bay Area campaign plays out, because its success or failure could signal a critical turning point for organized labor in a newspaper industry wracked by dwindling readership, declining revenues, and decimated newsrooms.
SF Weekly  |  John Geluardi  |  12-20-2007  |  Media

Is the Examiner Stealing Web Content?new

Most of the "Around San Francisco" columns disappeared from the paper's site after I asked the author by phone about what appeared to be work from other news sources, pasted verbatim and without attribution, into her column.
SF Weekly  |  Matt Smith  |  12-05-2007  |  Media

Friendly Competition?new

Chauncey Bailey Project unites Bay Area media -- except the Chronicle and the Express.
SF Weekly  |  Will Harper  |  10-24-2007  |  Media

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