AltWeeklies Wire
My Squashed Interview With Steve Madden, Shoe Guru-Turned-Ex-Convictnew

A puff piece about shoes transforms into an essay that will likely result in the firing of several of Steve Madden's publicists after a botched attempt at damage control.
Long Island Press |
Jaime Franchi |
04-04-2014 |
Newsday Muzzled Under Cablevision Control, Insiders Chargenew

Under Cablevision's Control, a once-feared newspaper has become a puppet.
Long Island Press |
Spencer Rumsey, Christopher Twarowski and Michael Nelson |
04-26-2012 |
How Cablevision Is Destroying Newsdaynew
The nation’s fifth-largest cable TV operator is tearing apart what was once one of the mightiest newspapers in the country. Interviews, financial documents and internal memos paint a picture of a paper under siege, both financially and journalistically.
Long Island Press |
Christopher Twarowski and Michael Patrick Nelson |
03-05-2010 |
Tags: James Dolan, Times Mirror, journalism, media, newspapers, Cablevision, publishing, Newsday, Sam Zell
Kidnapping the Kidnappernew
AltWeeklies Award - News Story (1500 words or less)
Long Island Press |
Borzou Daragahi |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media
Credibility Gapnew
AltWeeklies Award - Media Reporting
Long Island Press |
Christopher Twarowski |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media
Reporters Wrestle With Storynew
A big mistake in the coverage of WWE's CEO Vince McMahon raises many questions.
Long Island Press |
Josh Stewart |
02-14-2006 |
Tags: media
Gossip Columnist Says Newsday Unfairly Ended Her Contractnew
Liz Smith contests Newsday's claim her column is ending because her contract expired. She says the matter is "all about money" and "making the newspaper look better to its Chicago owners."
Long Island Press |
Kenny Herzog |
04-01-2005 |
Newsday's Monopoly Control Warps Coverage, Critics Saynew
Newsday is accused of using its position as Long Island's only daily paper to strong-arm county officials, nonprofit directors, local leaders and rival publications, and even to influence pieces of legislation to further its political or commercial agenda.
Long Island Press |
Christopher Twarowski |
01-03-2005 |
Unbelievable! Newsday Continues Its Circulation Fraudsnew
Even with federal agents and Long Island Press hot on its trail, Newsday continues to dump ad circulars directly at dumps and recycling centers. It also reactivates deadbeat customers to inflate its circulation figures, the Long Island Press reports.
Long Island Press |
Christopher Twarowski and Timothy Bolger |
11-10-2004 |
Newsday Distribution Company Overcharges Retailersnew
DSA Direct, a subsidiary of Newsday parent company Tribune, is jacking up its bills by a dollar here and a dollar there, effectively earning an extra ten or twenty dollars per retailer each week, according to documents obtained by the Long Island Press.
Long Island Press |
Christopher Twarowski |
08-27-2004 |
Newsday Is Accused of Circulation Fraudnew
In a class-action lawsuit, four advertisers sued Newsday, claiming the daily paper had inflated its circulation figures.
Long Island Press |
News Team |
08-07-2004 |
Newsday Writes Tribute on Judge Who Will Hear Its Casenew
In the midst of the $600 million lawsuit filed against Newsday by advertisers, the paper published a page 4 story about Judge Leonard Wexler, who recently received a Purple Heart 60 years after his service. What the article doesn't tell you is Wexler will preside over the case against Newsday in U.S. District Court.
Long Island Press |
Christopher Twarowski |
08-05-2004 |
Newsday Reports Half the Truth on Circulation Scandalnew

Advertisers accuse Newsday of inflating circulation figures in a federal racketeering lawsuit. The snowballing scandal led publisher Raymond Jansen to announce this week that he'll retire earlier than planned.
Long Island Press |
Christopher Twarowski |
07-22-2004 |