AltWeeklies Wire
With a Poker Player in the White House, Washington's Strict Online Gambling Law Could Changenew
Washington is one of a handful of states that expressly prohibits online gambling--and the only one that goes so far as to make it a felony. But Barney Frank may introduce a bill this month to repeal a law that prohibits Internet companies from accepting bank payments for gambling.
Seattle Weekly |
Damon Agnos |
04-06-2009 |
Policy Issues
Seattle Mayor Wants $400K for a Better Way to Write You Upnew
Among the projects Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels has sought to fund with federal stimulus money is the purchase of $412,540 worth of new devices to issue parking tickets.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
03-09-2009 |
Policy Issues
Is Georgetown About to Get Trashed?new
Residents of Seattle's working-class, South End neighborhood say they've been dumped on enough.
Seattle Weekly |
Aimee Curl |
06-25-2007 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
See More Buttsnew
Thanks to the smoking ban, city sidewalks are littered with cigarettes -- whose job is it to clean them up?
Seattle Weekly |
Brian Miller |
01-30-2007 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Broke as a Smokenew
Powerful state legislators explore ditching the 25-foot rule as barkeeps struggle to weather a butt-free recession.
Seattle Weekly |
Philip Dawdy |
09-27-2006 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
The Futility of Boycottsnew
If you're planning to boycott Microsoft, get in line.
Seattle Weekly |
Geov Parrish |
01-24-2006 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Time to Grow Upnew
Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels says a taller, denser downtown is inevitable, even desirable. But critics say bigger isn't better unless you do it right.
Seattle Weekly |
Philip Dawdy |
08-10-2005 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
The Rights of (Corporate) Mannew
How We the People became second-class citizens.
Seattle Weekly |
Knute Berger |
05-25-2005 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Is the Pacific Northwest a Populist Paradise?new
Hanging together or hanging separately: secession and politics in the struggle for Ecotopia.
Seattle Weekly |
Knute Berger |
03-23-2005 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
The Man Who Invented Ecotopianew
Geov Parrish interviews Ecotopia author Ernest Callenbach on the 30th anniversary of his futuristic novel about Pacific Northwest secession. The book portrayed how a modern society could be restructured around environmental principles, and it became a road map for future ecologically aware development.
Seattle Weekly |
Geov Parrish |
03-23-2005 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
The Preston Gates Matesnew
A venerable Seattle law firm launched key players in the Tom DeLay scandal.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
02-23-2005 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
How 9/11 Trumped the Anti-WTO Movementnew
In the shadow of 9/11, the days of 1999 seem positively innocent. Both sides in the anti-globalization debate have their dark, ugly underbellies, and the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, have made them very felt in our everyday lives.
Seattle Weekly |
Knute Berger |
11-24-2004 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Whatever Happened to Key WTO Protest Players?new
A where-are-they-now guide to the Mayor, the Chief, "Hippie Bitch" Forman and other important figures involved -- in one way or another -- with Seattle's WTO protests of 1999.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
11-24-2004 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Why There Won't Be Another 'Seattle'new
As big a disaster as the WTO protests were for almost everyone involved, it was a watershed moment for police. Nowadays, whenever a city hosts a major meeting of the International Monetary Fund, say, Seattle Police Department officials hear from cops who are looking for ways to avoid the mistakes made in Seattle.
Seattle Weekly |
Philip Dawdy |
11-24-2004 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Seattle, Five Years After the WTO Protestsnew
Is this what failure looks like? Third World delegates have gridlocked the WTO but in the U.S. anti-globalization organizers have struggled to convert street heat into policy.
Seattle Weekly |
Geov Parrish |
11-24-2004 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues