AltWeeklies Wire

San Diego: Lousy at Public Informationnew

Government-transparency advocates in San Diego look past Bob Filner to a new era.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Joshua Emerson Smith  |  08-28-2013  |  Policy Issues

Water Wars Reduxnew

The years change but the fight over the natural resource - and the cost to Georgians - stays the same.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Neill Herring  |  08-21-2013  |  Policy Issues

The Detroit Sports Stadium Swindlenew

Mike Ilitch, billionaire owner of the NHL Red Wings and the MLB Tigers, is vying for state financing to cover more than half the cost of a new stadium for his hockey franchise in downtown Detroit. The same Detroit that declared bankruptcy less than 30 days ago. He'll likely get it, too.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  08-08-2013  |  Policy Issues

Ask the Questionsnew

Does the slug fest over gun rights (or reproductive rights or fill-in-the-blank rights) need to be at such a stalemate?
Jackson Free Press  |  Ronni Mott  |  08-04-2013  |  Policy Issues

Why Georgia can't kill Warren Lee Hillnew

The state's new lethal-injection law undermines its repeated attempts to kill one of its death row inmates.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Max Blau  |  07-25-2013  |  Policy Issues

The rise and fall of Georgia's pro-life movementnew

A pro-life advocate on the changing battlefield of abortion rights.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Charlie Harper  |  07-15-2013  |  Policy Issues

S.C. to End Segregation of HIV-Positive Prisonersnew

South Carolina is 49th state in nation to have a nonsegregation policy.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  07-12-2013  |  Policy Issues

R.I.P., Voting Rights Actnew

Because white, southern Republicans have been victims of discrimination for too long.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Jessica Blankenship  |  07-05-2013  |  Policy Issues

Louisiana's New Gun Lawsnew

The firearms legislation that passed this year in Baton Rouge.
Gambit  |  Alex Woodward  |  07-02-2013  |  Policy Issues

Fire Sale at the Detroit Institute of Artsnew

As Detroit navigates through the uncharted waters of emergency financial management, the city's state-appointed EM, Kevyn Orr, has fired a salvo across the bow of the city's cultural crown jewel, the Detroit Institute of Arts. Orr has said the DIA may have its assets liquidated to help retire the city's $15 billion in debt.
Metro Times  |  Curt Guyette  |  06-06-2013  |  Policy Issues

Mr. Sanford goes (back) to Washingtonnew

You could feel it in the air. The cautious optimism that characterized South Carolina Democrats' anxiety over the prospect of Elizabeth Colbert Busch being elected to Congress was gone. Polling numbers be damned, it was anybody's race going into the special election on May 7, and by the end of the day, it was still a toss-up.
Charleston City Paper  |  Sam Spence  |  05-15-2013  |  Policy Issues

Kicking my Coke habitnew

A loyal 'candy water' drinker tries to halt The Pause That Refreshes
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Curt Holman  |  05-09-2013  |  Policy Issues

Preservation Society works to save one of Magnolia Cemetery's masterpiecesnew

Before he was ultimately laid to rest, William Burroughs Smith spent 30 months inside the Magnolia Cemetery receiving tomb. Or, more accurately, his body did.
Charleston City Paper  |  Susan Cohen  |  05-09-2013  |  Policy Issues

From farmers markets to cooking classes, schools are helping families grow better eating habitsnew

The children gathered around the classroom table at Pinehurst Elementary in North Charleston are having a difficult time cutting mangoes. Ann Hoch, a former chef, is there to help.
Charleston City Paper  |  Stratton Lawrence  |  05-09-2013  |  Policy Issues

Some facts about offshore tax dodgersnew

The Internal Revenue Services' Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program offers incentives for taxpayers to disclose their secret foreign bank accounts.
INDY Week  |  Staff  |  05-02-2013  |  Policy Issues

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