AltWeeklies Wire

The Sistersnew

The lives of American nuns: What they do. Why the scrutiny?
LEO Weekly  |  Anne Marshall  |  07-25-2012  |  Religion

Dinos and Centsnew

Kentucky OKs tax breaks for controversial biblical theme park.
LEO Weekly  |  Jonathan Meador  |  05-26-2011  |  Religion

Date Night in the Garden of Edennew

Kentucky Creation Museum denies admission to perceived same sex couple.
LEO Weekly  |  Jonathan Meador  |  02-16-2011  |  Religion

Sojourn Church: Conservative Christianity Paraded as Hip Youth Culturenew

In its purest form, Sojourn is a Southern Baptist church. Pastors counsel a strict adherence to scripture, which means abortion is murder, men are the natural-order leaders and homosexuality is a sin from which gays need to be converted and redeemed. That doesn't usually go with pearloid buttons and horn-rimmed glasses.
LEO Weekly  |  Stephen George  |  04-11-2008  |  Religion

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