AltWeeklies Wire

Christine Rebel always liked dogs, but her love of pit bulls became an obsession after she met Farrah Fawcett. Not the Charlie’s Angel, but Rebel’s own four-legged angel, the same who, on one occasion, resisted a bath, prompting “Scallops” (Rebel’s roommate) to make a desperate phone call.
San Antonio Current |
Enrique Lopetegui |
05-09-2013 |
Animal Issues
From Neglect to Colony Member: Cat Companionship in Several Halting Stepsnew

Don't feed the stray cats!" they told me. Who? Everyone, it seemed — neighbors, acquaintances, the mail man.
San Antonio Current |
Scott Andrews |
08-23-2012 |
Animal Issues
Critics of Animal Care Service Say Drive to Humane Care Misses Big Picturenew

In 2006, the City Council took on Mayor Phil Hardberger's challenge to become the country's largest "no-kill" community.
San Antonio Current |
Andrew Oxford and Scott Andrews |
08-23-2012 |
Animal Issues
Tags: humanity, Animal care
I can haz No Kill?new

No-kill by 2012? No way.
San Antonio Current |
Michael Barajas |
08-31-2011 |
Animal Issues
Andres Valdez: The Dog Whisperer of San Antonionew

Valdez is working to save San Antonio's dogs -- and restore our humanity.
San Antonio Current |
Barbara Renaud Gonzalez |
04-11-2011 |
Animal Issues
A SeaWorld Ethics Primernew

Animal captivity for food, entertainment, and educational purposes is undeniably a fundamental feature of human civilizations everywhere, and SeaWorld has undeniably fostered a new public awareness of the beauty and grace of its show animals. At the same time, there are compelling reasons to challenge a marine-park industry that may no longer meet our criteria for civilized stewardship of the planet's wildlife.
San Antonio Current |
Jeffrey Wright |
04-14-2010 |
Animal Issues
Tags: SeaWorld
In San Antonio, There's No Such Thing as a Free Kittennew
Animal Care Services' "No Kill" march hasn't spared the city's cat ladies (or their cats).
San Antonio Current |
Greg Harman |
02-13-2008 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
Cloning, The Embryonic Stagenew

Clone-generated meat and milk? Could be yummy, but where is this breakthrough taking us?
San Antonio Current |
Keli Dailey |
01-03-2007 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
The Great Ape Debaclenew

With three more chimps dead, PETA's lawsuit against Primarily Primates moves forward.
San Antonio Current |
Susan Pagani |
06-07-2006 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
Bobby, 1990-2006new

Two chimps are dead and a capuchin monkey is missing -- what's going on at Primarily Primates, Inc.?
San Antonio Current |
Susan Pagani |
05-10-2006 |
Animal Issues
Tags: PETA