AltWeeklies Wire

Rent A Pupnew

Oregon’s richest veterinarian wants to lease you a pet—but complaints dog his business.
Willamette Week  |  Andrea Damewood  |  11-16-2012  |  Animal Issues

This Monkey Died For You: Animal Researchers Fire Back at Their Criticsnew

In an hour-long interview with Willamette Week, Oregon Health & Science University spokesman Jim Newman lays out the school’s justification for animal research while blasting both the tactics and beliefs of animal rights activists.
Willamette Week  |  James Pitkin and Mark Zusman  |  03-31-2010  |  Animal Issues

Service Animals Are a Big Bone of Contention in Grocery Storesnew

Grocery stores are on a short leash when it comes to excluding pets deemed by their human companions to be service animals, because animals are considered service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act regardless of whether they have been licensed or certified for that function by a state or local government.
Willamette Week  |  Megan Brescini  |  07-08-2009  |  Animal Issues

An Ex-Lab Assistant at an Oregon University Charges Its Researchers with Cruelty to Rodentsnew

Tony Carr abruptly walked away from a lab assistant job at Oregon Health Science University after three months, saying OHSU's animal research can't be justified ethically or scientifically. Now Carr is going public, hoping his story will prevent unnecessary suffering and lead to better science that doesn’t rely as much on animals.
Willamette Week  |  James Pitkin  |  04-22-2009  |  Animal Issues

Fur Fliesnew

With Schumacher Furs leaving downtown, what's next for Portland's animal rights activists?
Willamette Week  |  Julie Sabatier  |  12-07-2006  |  Animal Issues

Pet Peevesnew

Experts say dogs owned by homeless people don't have it so bad.
Willamette Week  |  Jon Weatherford  |  05-24-2006  |  Animal Issues

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