AltWeeklies Wire
Retired Lab Chimps Pressed Back Into Servicenew

A San Antonio lab says primate research is necessary for curing diseases like AIDS and hepatits. But what progress has really been made?
Houston Press |
Craig Malisow |
10-05-2012 |
Animal Issues
No Sanctuarynew

People dropping dogs off at the refuge trusted they were sending them to the best place possible. Not exactly.
Houston Press |
Craig Malisow |
08-17-2012 |
Animal Issues
Is Omega Protein Overfishing the Most Important Fish in the Sea?new

Omega Protein is the largest commercial harvester of an obscure fish called menhaden (men-hay-den), used mostly for fishmeal and fertilizer. The company's more palatable product is refined fish oil.
Houston Press |
Craig Malisow |
01-26-2010 |
Animal Issues
Houston's Animal Shelter Just Can't Get Its Act Togethernew

Houston's Bureau of Animal Regulation and Care doesn't seem to be anyone's problem, except for the animals who live the last weeks, days and hours of their lives there. Right now, the best we can do is hope for change.
Houston Press |
Craig Malisow |
02-03-2009 |
Animal Issues
Foreclosure Pets: Household Animals Get Left Behind When Owners Are Pushed Outnew
"Generally, the people that leave the pets don't care enough to call us," says the public relations director for the Houston Humane Society. "Oftentimes we'll see a bag of dog food ripped open. They'll leave a bag of dog food and say a prayer and good luck. It's really upsetting."
Houston Press |
Paul Knight |
04-29-2008 |
Animal Issues
Hog Wildnew
Feral pigs are ugly, destructive and mean. Some people in Texas just love to trap, stab or shoot them. Or put them in rodeos. With dogs.
Houston Press |
Todd Spivak |
04-21-2008 |
Animal Issues
Greyhound Racing Wanesnew
Tracks and breeders struggle as attendance declines.
Houston Press |
Russell Cobb |
09-11-2007 |
Animal Issues
Ferret Lovenew
They poop, they steal, they smell, they (sometimes) bite -- and they are adored.
Houston Press |
Richard Connelly |
08-28-2007 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
Gator Aidnew

Thanks to the Endangered Species Act, alligators are everywhere in southeast Texas -- so now the state is going to make it easier for you to shoot one.
Houston Press |
Josh Harkinson |
05-30-2006 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
Horse Fleshnew

Texas struggles with what to do with its overabundance of Equus caballus, while Europeans wait with open mouths.
Houston Press |
Josh Harkinson |
04-18-2006 |
Animal Issues
Houston Looks for the Fido Solutionnew
The ultimate answer to too many strays, cash-strapped budgets, animal shelter abuses and starving people may be thinning the herd of cats and dogs.
Houston Press |
Richard Connelly |
02-08-2005 |
Animal Issues