AltWeeklies Wire
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.'s Reliability Costs Businesses Millionsnew

A Guardian review of available data shows that customers of PG&E lose power much more frequently than customers of municipally owned and operated utilities.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Megan Rawlins |
08-05-2009 |
Health and Human Services Budget Cuts Will Show on SF Streetsnew
As budget cuts create ripple effects in the lives of health and human services staffers and the clients they serve, a City Hall fight over raising city revenue continues between the Board of Supervisors and the mayor.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Rebecca Bowe |
02-25-2009 |
Foreclosure and Eviction Crisis Leaves Lots of Pets Homelessnew
Shelters all over the country are reporting rising numbers of dogs, cats, horses, and all kinds of family pets made homeless by the home foreclosure crisis.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Andrea De Brito |
02-25-2009 |
Tags: economic issues, pet ownership
San Francisco Mayor's Budget: More Hungry Homeless People, More Deaths at SF Generalnew
On the ground, the budget cuts San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom is proposing translate into staggering losses in services that segments of the city's most disadvantaged populations rely on.
San Francisco Bay Guardian | |
02-04-2009 |
Tags: San Francisco, economic issues
America's New Gilded Agenew
The United States heads into a deep recession, but for a new generation of multibillionaires, it's all good.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Tim Redmond |
03-12-2008 |
Tags: Economic Issues
Shackling the Tax Mannew
The Bay Area's wealthiest benefit from Republican control of the IRS.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
G.W. Schulz |
08-16-2006 |
Tags: Economic Issues