AltWeeklies Wire

How the Energy Industry is Moving Out of the Dark Agesnew

The energy revolution doesn't hinge on technological discovery. Indeed, the vast majority of technology it will draw on has existed for years, if not decades. The energy revolution is about something much more difficult to change: our own human behavior.
Metro Spirit  |  Matt Spaur  |  06-17-2009  |  Environment

Fight Against Nukesnew

Environmentalists and nuclear activists challenge the Savannah River Site plans to take part in a controversial new "Bombplex 2030" program.
Metro Spirit  |  Murfee Faulk  |  03-12-2008  |  Environment

Orgone Warriornew

Have you noticed a wave of positive energy overtaking Augusta? It just might be Dwayne Dotson and his orgonite workshop.
Metro Spirit  |  Murfee Faulk  |  02-25-2008  |  Environment

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