AltWeeklies Wire
Rats Take Over a Formerly Spiffy City Parknew
For years, the park was privately owned and maintained. In those halcyon days, the park was clean and peaceful, brimming with strollers and picnickers. No more.
Houston Press |
Todd Spivak |
08-08-2005 |
Tags: environment
Human Waste Profiteers Nauseate Neighborsnew
People who live near from Synagro, a Texas company that sells sludge to farmers and golf courses, complain that the stench is so thick it's made them ill.
Houston Press |
Josh Harkinson |
04-06-2005 |
PCB Levels Spiking in Galveston Bay Speckled Troutnew
New, unpublished data showing spiking levels of a toxic pollutant in the popular game fish has prompted state health officials to consider warning fishermen that consuming largae quantitities could damage their health.
Houston Press |
Josh Harkinson |
02-01-2005 |
Scorched-Earth Philosophy Sucks Life From Wetlandsnew

Wetlands are vanishing from the Houston region faster than from any other urban area in the nation, biologists say. The area's drain-fill-and-pave approach to wetlands management could soon become standard practice nationwide.
Houston Press |
Josh Harkinson |
01-18-2005 |
Spanish Blame Oil Spill on Houston Firmnew
Fishermen and citizens harmed by what's been called the worst environmental disaster in Spanish history are looking to a Houston ship classification society to bear some financial responsibility.
Houston Press |
Josh Harkinson |
04-27-2004 |
Tags: This Week in Alternative Weeklies, coast, environment, Houston, Spain, fishermen, $1 billion, American Bureau of Shipping, civil lawsuit, damages, environmental disaster, financial responsibility, Houston Press, international law, M/V Prestige, November 2002, oil spill, oil tanker, ship classification society