AltWeeklies Wire
The Next LGBTQ Battleground: The Workplacenew

Cary woman sues General Services Corporation over alleged discrimination.
Somewhere under the
The Human Rights Campaign evaluated 291 U.S. cities, including six in North Carolina, for fairness and inclusiveness in city laws and policies.
What do the transgendered owe their families?new

How can the NYT's Ethicist columnist tell a reader to not transition for the benefit of her family? She is part of her family; her misery also becomes part of the family. How can such misery be confined?
Tags: transgender
After the Arab Spring, the Future is Uncertain for Muslim Gay Youthnew

A year and a half after the revolution, gays remain marginalized and excluded from discussions about human rights in the new democratic Tunisia.
Facebook and Amendment 1new
Like twigs and sticks caught in a spring current, social media rafts us together into new solidarities—holy and unholy—in the rapidly emptying channels of its newsfeed.
After Amendment 1, local governments weigh health insurance optionsnew
In the Triangle, where more than 60 percent of voters filled in the oval "against" the amendment, a number of progressive local governments offer domestic partner benefits, a practice that presumably will be illegal under the state constitution on Jan. 1, 2013. So what's next?
How Beauty Pageants View Transwomennew

What does the social acceptance of passing transwomen mean for other transwomen who do not fulfill social expectations of prettiness? Or who do not wish to pass at all?
N.C. Amendment 1 Opponents: "Our fight for fairness is not over."new

The Coalition to Protect all NC Families, which led the unsuccessful anti-Amendment 1 campaign, said "No One Wins Tonight in North Carolina."
Does the Religious Right really believe equality will allow us to marry ice cream?new

"If marriage is radically redefined as a way of just affirming loving feelings of attraction, then equality will require people who love ice cream to marry ice cream." — Daniel Heimbach, senior professor of Christian ethics at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Two women, one wedding: Commitment means everythingnew

"I feel different. I feel married. The commitment in front of family, friends and God makes our relationship deeper. It makes our relationship more special. It's a wonderful feeling."
The DOMA Monitornew
Events March 15-21; lieutenant governor candidate, Chapel Hill Town Council, BofA executive come out against; latest Elon University Poll shows 54 percent oppose amendment.
Why a Sex Change is Not Extraordinarynew

All that seems arcane about transsexuality -- hormone replacement therapy, surgeries, name changes -- can be understood as marks of healing and of the desire to live well.
Tags: Transsexual, Sex Change
My Two Parentsnew
What if the people in your state -- your neighbors, your coworkers, your acquaintances -- could cast a vote to diagnose your family as invalid, as Amendment 1 does to my family?