AltWeeklies Wire

Gay Marriage in Massachusettsnew

The latest move to override same-sex marriage in Massachusetts failed, but the struggle isn't over yet.
Boston Phoenix  |  Deirdre Fulton  |  09-22-2005  |  LGBT

Gay At Boston College: Silent No Morenew

Gay students at Boston College say that while their school's reputation for being unaccepting of homosexuals is largely undeserved, there's much room for improvement. Amending the university's nondiscrimination clause is a good way to start.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  04-21-2005  |  LGBT

GLBT Youth and the Stifling of Discussion of Gay Sexualitynew

The queer community's fight for same-sex marriage, combined with revived AIDS hysteria, is shortchanging gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth by stifling discussion of gay sexuality.
Boston Phoenix  |  Michael Bronski  |  03-28-2005  |  LGBT

Marriages of Same-Sex Couples Have Familiar Ringnew

Six same-sex couples who got married in Massachusetts during the first week that gay marriage has been accepted as legal discuss their family values.
Boston Phoenix  |  Kristen Lombardi  |  08-07-2004  |  LGBT

For Same-Sex Couples, May 17 Was Time to Get Marriednew

Same-sex marriage comes to Massachusetts, with after-dark revelry in Cambridge and business as usual (almost) at City Hall Plaza. A first-person report from Massachusetts the day same-sex marriage became legal is accompanied by three sidebar reports from Provincetown, Worcester and Somerville.
Boston Phoenix  |  Kristen Lombardi  |  08-07-2004  |  LGBT

Romney Switches from Nice Guy to Anti-Gay-Marriage Activistnew

Ever since November 18, 2003, when the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court determined that the ban on civil marriage for same-sex couples was unconstitutional, the governor has done everything in his power to prevent gay men and lesbians from reaching the altar.
Boston Phoenix  |  Kristen Lombardi  |  08-07-2004  |  LGBT

Religious Demonstrators Divided on Same-Sex Marriagenew

Depending on your religious beliefs, the Massachusetts high court's ruling opening the door for gays and lesbians to marry can be seen as "an attack against civilization" or a welcome step forward in the civil rights struggle.
Boston Phoenix  |  Dan Kennedy  |  08-07-2004  |  LGBT

Gay Marriage Gets Stopped at State's Bordersnew

Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and state Attorney General Tom Reilly have sealed the borders against out-of-state same-sex couples who want to marry with a 91-year-old statute that’s sure to have its day in court.
Boston Phoenix  |  Kristen Lombardi  |  06-10-2004  |  LGBT

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