AltWeeklies Wire
No Sex, No Educationnew

What's at stake in the Tennessee legislature's covert war on Planned Parenthood.
Nashville Scene |
Jonathan Meador |
05-10-2012 |
Nashville School Resegregation Threatens a New Generationnew

The black-white educational achievement gap is already yawning in Nashville, and the city's black leaders are convinced a rezoning plan will exacerbate that.
Nashville Scene |
Jeff Woods |
08-29-2008 |
Tennessee Takes Small Step to Protect Special Ed. Students from Seclusion and Restraintnew
Disability advocates who have spent more than a year trying to convince state legislators about the troubling fact that special education students are being physically restrained, strapped to chairs and locked in janitor closets hit a small landmark last week as the state Senate passed a bill to address a growing problem in classrooms across the state.
Nashville Scene |
Elizabeth Ulrich |
05-02-2008 |
Not-So-Special Educationnew
When things go terribly wrong for Nashville's most vulnerable students, parents are the last to know.
Nashville Scene |
P.J. Tobia |
11-02-2007 |
Tags: Education
Reading, Writing and Jesusnew
The Wilson County school board wants to send its students to Sunday school all week long.
Nashville Scene |
P.J. Tobia |
10-24-2006 |
Tags: Education
Confessions of a Substitute Teachernew
A substitute teacher realizes she's not worthy to lace up a real teacher's comfortable shoes. On stealing office supplies, moderating fart fests and locking students in closets (not really).
Nashville Scene |
Bernie Sheahan |
08-17-2005 |