AltWeeklies Wire
Transcript: The Trailer Park Boysnew

When an interview is so good we can't help but let loose the transcript before we have to edit it down into chomp-size morsels.
Dig Boston |
David Day |
01-17-2011 |
Tags: Trailer Park Boys
Dear Asshole Who Poked Me at the Pogues Show:new
First of all, ow -- that hurt. Here's the memo you've apparently missed: People frequently stand at concerts, in order to see the show over the standing, dancing, screaming life-enjoyers, and occasionally to join in with those people as well.
Dig Boston |
Anonymous |
04-04-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
It's Official: Halliburton to Build its Own Neverland Ranch in Dubainew
Let's hope their chief executive, Dave Lesar, really does it up, Liberace-style.
Dig Boston |
Cintra Wilson |
03-21-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Oh, Cruel World!new
Dear woman on the packed train who so desperately needed a seat that she took it from the dude who was pressed up against the door with his seeing eye dog: I hope someone throws a flaming bag of shit at you.
Dig Boston |
Anonymous |
01-17-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Kiddie Kroakers!new

The Dig's seventh-annual dangerous toys list includes "My Iraqi Sandbox," "Michael Richards Commemorative Fork," and "Ted Haggard Brand Meth."
Dig Boston |
Joe Keohane, Paul McMorrow and Shaula Clark |
12-06-2006 |
Tags: 2006gift
My Parachute Isn't Openingnew
I will continue to fall until my body splatters on what appears to be a golf course. This would all be different, however, if the contraption folded neatly in my chute backpack were now exposed and unfolded -- but I am not, I repeat, not complaining.
Dig Boston |
Seth Reiss |
08-31-2006 |
Guest Columnist Lindsay Lohan!new

Lindsay Lohan reflects on her inner-most feelings about Boston.
Dig Boston |
Dig Staff |
05-24-2006 |
Tags: humor & satire
iCalendar Changed My Lifenew
Of all the features on the new silver PowerBook G4 laptop, iCalendar is worth the $2,000.
Dig Boston |
Seth Reiss |
01-06-2006 |
Comedy > Missed Connectionnew
Here's the sordid tale of one man's heartbreak, charted in the notoriously creepy Craigslist Missed Connections page.
Dig Boston |
Seth Reiss |
11-25-2005 |
Tags: humor & satire
Convoluted Drunken Driving Lawnew
Don't drink and drive in Massachusetts, or you'll probably get screwed by a law named after someone's relative (who was busted for the same thing).
Dig Boston |
Rollins O'Reilly |
11-17-2005 |
Tags: humor & satire
October: The Month in Reviewnew
The last month provided us with a fair amount of natural disasters, war, incompetence, fear, sickness, corruption and mediocrity. And still, Anheuser-Busch has the marbles to insist that "Bud Pong" is "supposed to be played with water."
Dig Boston |
Joe Keohane |
11-03-2005 |
Tags: humor & satire
Avian Flu Hits Sesame Streetnew
As the avian flu spreads into the Sesame Street community, Big Bird is singled out as the primary host of the deadly virus, which has already claimed four lives. Tragically, Grover and the Cookie Monster are among the dead.
Dig Boston |
Rollins O'Reilly |
10-19-2005 |
Tags: humor & satire
My Cat Trixter: A Morality Talenew
A writer decides that if he could just live with a cat for two weeks he could build up enough immunity to beat his allergy.
Dig Boston |
Seth Reiss |
10-06-2005 |
Tags: humor & satire
Remembering 9/11 ... Batman Style!new
Here's why any 9/11 film by Oliver Stone or anyone else should -- nay--must! -- include Batman.
Dig Boston |
Joe Keohane |
10-06-2005 |
Tags: humor & satire