AltWeeklies Wire
Loving the Lienew
A look into the pre-traumatic holiday depression of unemployed and financially challenged individuals.
Jackson Free Press |
Sue Doh Nem |
11-29-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Thankful for Exploitationnew
Just when the pilgrims thought everything was cool, the trusted friendship between the Ghetto Native Americans and the pilgrims evolved into a series of fights, real estate scams, germ warfare, induced alcoholism, land eviction and forced relocation to the corners of the North American continent.
Jackson Free Press |
Sue Doh Nem |
11-28-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Livin' in the Last Daysnew
One moment we are witnessing tsunamis, floods and hurricanes, and the next moment Atlanta is drought-ridden and California is burning. And folk around the world talk about blowing each other up.
Jackson Free Press |
Sue Doh Nem |
11-20-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Breaking Many Heartsnew
It sure is a funky atmosphere in the world of media and entertainment. Brother Kunta "Rahsheed X" Toby sheds some light on the issue.
Jackson Free Press |
Sue Doh Nem |
11-20-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Thin Line Between Love and Hatenew
It's the showdown round of Negro-Rigged Jeopardy!
Jackson Free Press |
Ken Stiggers |
10-25-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Seniors in the Workplacenew
Taking a risk by employing senior citizen, Miss Wanda pays off for Crunchie Burga World.
Jackson Free Press |
Ken Stiggers |
10-22-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Somebody's Watching Menew
The Ghetto Science Team Neighborhood Protection Agency puts on a neighborhood safety fair, complete with "original" gadgets to defend against crime.
Jackson Free Press |
Ken Stiggers |
10-12-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Common Trauma Wardnew
At the Ghetto Science Mental Health Institute for the Socially Challenged, a dedicated staff of mental health specialists is working diligently to resolve the mental issues of poor and common folk.
Jackson Free Press |
Ken Stiggers |
10-04-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Strange Jena Fruitnew
The Ghetto Science Team's Visual Arts Collective presents a creative form of protest in an art exhibit titled "Art, Politics and Protest: Trees, Intolerance and Ropes Don’t Mix."
Jackson Free Press |
Ken Stiggers |
09-27-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Slow-Moving Targetsnew
Senior citizens have become vulnerable, slow-moving targets for folk who want to beat down elderly people and take their hard-earned money.
Jackson Free Press |
Ken Stiggers |
09-21-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
The Art of Restroom Justicenew
Cootie McBride offers advice on how to avoid being misinterpreted by undercover officers in public restrooms.
Jackson Free Press |
Ken Stiggers |
09-13-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Welcome to Silicon Ghettonew
Despite technological alienation from corporations, members of the Silicon Ghetto Electronic Community Institute for the High-Definition Challenged will use resourcefulness and innovation to provide poor folk with truly affordable entertainment devices!
Jackson Free Press |
Ken Stiggers |
09-07-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Guide To Driving The Right Waynew
After a whole three years of driving, and a near miss with crashing into a house, Maggie Burks has much wisdom and even more advice for "novices" on the road.
Jackson Free Press |
Maggie Burks |
09-07-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Theory of Gougenomicsnew
The more money you make, the more dollars they will get from you -- my brothers and sisters, this is the theory of gougenomics!
Jackson Free Press |
Ken Stiggers |
08-23-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
Nurse Tootie, Private Eyenew
The premiere of "To Catch a Predator Who Takes Advantage of Senior Citizens, Racial Minorites, Poor Folk, and the Uneducated."
Jackson Free Press |
Ken Stiggers |
08-15-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire