AltWeeklies Wire
Media Version of Thanksgiving Is Short on Reflection
Like our own responses to Thanksgiving, the repeated media messages are apt to be contradictory. Answers to basic questions run the gamut: How much time and money should we spend on the holiday dinner
compared to helping the less fortunate?
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Norman Solomon |
11-18-2005 |
Tags: Media., Thanksgiving
The Road Back From Darkness
California voters' reaction to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's musclebound ego may end up being what stops the Republican neo-con march into darkness.
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James Preston Allen |
11-14-2005 |
Muting Protest Songs on the Airwaves
The hardest-hitting civil rights and antiwar songs of the 1960s were relegated to the then second-tier FM dial. Today, broadcasters with the most powerful signals are still cautious about playing any song with a political message.
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Norman Solomon |
11-14-2005 |
At the White House, the Spin Doctor Is Ill
While indictment fever gripped the Washington press corps in October,
the president's spin doctor was incapacitated. An ailing Karl Rove could
not help the Republican search for a media cure.
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Norman Solomon |
10-28-2005 |
Media at a Crossroads: 25 Years After Reagan’s Triumph
By a twist of political fate, the Oct. 28 deadline for special
counsel Patrick Fitzgerald to take action on the Plamegate matter is
exactly 25 years after the only debate of the presidential race between
Ronald Reagan and incumbent Jimmy Carter.
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Norman Solomon |
10-21-2005 |
What's Happening Out of Camera Range?
By now, millions of TV viewers have seen the video numerous times on
television: Two police officers are beating a man on the pavement. It's
big news -- because a camera was there.
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Norman Solomon |
10-18-2005 |
Five Cent Problem, Three Dollar Solution
Thousands will light a candle in solidarity with Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq, and ask a question many American voters wish that John Kerry asked last November.
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By James Preston Allen, Publisher |
08-18-2005 |
Burning Liberty to Save the Flag
The Constitutional admendment to ban flag burning is a smoke screen for other issues.
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James Preston Allen |
06-22-2005 |
Polls, Politics and God
People commonly look at political polling with an instinctual skepticism. How, they ask, can you get an accurate sample of how voters are actually going to vote by questioning 1,000 likely voters nationwide out of the millions who actually will vote November 2?
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James Preston Allen |
10-15-2004 |
Those Who Invoke International Law Must Submit to It
Is the Iraq war legal? Does it matter? The UN Charter and the words of Kofi Annan reveal how wrong Bush is in his preemptive war policy.
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Jim Stanbery |
10-02-2004 |
To Everything There Is a Season
The use of religious language at the Republican National Convention was Orwellian.
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James Preston Allen |
09-03-2004 |
So Now It Begins Again
While the crowd cheered wildly for John F. Kerry, I was thinking to myself that this is the person who could fulfill the abrogated presidency of JFK, completing, as it were, his second term of office.
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James Preston Allen |
08-05-2004 |
Recovering America's Values from a Web of Lies

John Kerry has been talking a lot about values -- a key to a possible victory in November. But in doing so he's confronting a welter of myths, if not outright lies. The better he understands that,
the better his chances of success.
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Paul Rosenberg |
07-20-2004 |
Delusions of Power
U.S. censorship and American propaganda are leading the country in the wrong direction.
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James Preston Allen |
06-15-2004 |