AltWeeklies Wire
Clinton Defeats Clinton: After North Carolina and Indiana, a Postmortem on Hillary's Campaignnew
It's all over now, Baby Blue, as Barack Obama wins the presidential nomination for the third or fourth time.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
05-09-2008 |
Hillary Lost the Race Weeks Ago, but the Clintons Keep Haunting Obamanew
With a comfortable 10-point margin, Hillary Clinton handily won the Pennsylvania primary. Equally true, Barack Obama won the Democratic nomination more than two months ago on Super Tuesday.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
04-25-2008 |
McHillary and True Believers Miss the Message of Obama's Misstepnew
Obama's mature response to the "bitter" brouhaha also sharply contrasted with those of his two increasingly hard-to-distinguish opponents.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
04-18-2008 |
What Hillary Clinton Doesn't Know About Gunshotsnew
Liar, liar under fire.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
04-04-2008 |
The O-boomersnew
Even hardened veterans of the '60s have to hand it to Obama.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
03-21-2008 |
Hillary Clinton Channels the GOP & Finally Winsnew
To heal her own malady of consistently losing to Barack Obama, Clinton decided to scrap any innovation and reach for Granny's old standby, fix-it-all remedy: When in doubt, just run like a Republican.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
03-11-2008 |
Curtains for Clintonnew
Hillary leaves us nothing on the way out.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
02-29-2008 |
Hillary Clinton's Can't-Do Campaignnew
Fear factor fails to sway Obama believers.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
02-25-2008 |
Democrats Debate in S.C.: Malice in Hillarylandnew
This Democratic primary nominating process has, indeed, become all about Bill Clinton. Thanks to Hillary Clinton. Unfortunate but not surprising, because, correct me if I'm wrong, but whenever the Clintons are involved, it's always all about them, isn't it?
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
01-25-2008 |
John Edwards: I Am Thirdnew
But here's why I still love him.
L.A. Weekly |
Judith Lewis |
01-25-2008 |
The Clinton Machine Will Not Go Easily Into the Nightnew
Is this what it has come to? A vulnerable Hillary weeping and a red-faced Hubby Bill angrily wagging his finger that all the talk in the media about Obama representing real change is but a "fairy tale"?
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
01-11-2008 |
Dem Primaries: Three Candidates, Two Different Worldsnew
Democrats have to decide which one they want to live in.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
01-04-2008 |
Worst Campaign Tricks of 2007new
We all know it ain't badminton, but does presidential-campaign politics necessarily have to be an all-out flop into the mud?
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
12-28-2007 |
Big Bill's Dicey Movesnew
Clinton is back at the table, playing us for chumps.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
12-21-2007 |
Green Party, RIPnew
Cynthia McKinney's shenanigans sent the party further into irrelevance.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
12-14-2007 |