AltWeeklies Wire

This Super Tuesday, America is Dixienew

A proud Dixie expatriate and lifelong political junkie, I'm seldom less pleased to be away from home than the weeks before Super Tuesday.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Ron Garmon  |  02-01-2008  |  Commentary

Reagan Countrynew

Incredibly, one of the most pressing issues of 2008 appears to be this: Ronald Reagan.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Editorial  |  01-25-2008  |  Commentary

How the Media Beat Obama in New Hampshirenew

So what happened? Was everyone really so deaf, dumb and blind? Was the thing somehow rigged? Are New Hampshire voters just incurably fickle?
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Andrew Gumbel  |  01-11-2008  |  Commentary

Presidential Candidates & Star Powernew

Despite all the issues at hand, from the war to the economy to health care, the last-minute topic du jour is predictably superficial: Does your candidate have an A-lister on the stump?
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Natalie Nichols  |  01-04-2008  |  Commentary

2007: A Year at Warnew

News reports and commentaries have come to describe recent events in Iraq as "quieter" in comparison to other phases of the U.S. misadventure, but this year was still among the bloodiest and costliest in American lives.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Editorial  |  12-28-2007  |  Commentary

Campaign Therapynew

What the crazy, fringe candidates of election 2008 say about the rest of us.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Andrew Gumbel  |  12-28-2007  |  Commentary

The Dogs of Warnew

Blackwater's killing of a New York Times dog might be a small incident, but it also represents something larger. And it gets worse, with private U.S. firms now being accused or rape and murder, with few repercussions beyond some embarrassing media coverage.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Editorial  |  12-21-2007  |  Commentary

God and the 2008 Electionsnew

It may be true that this country is indeed rooted in certain Judeo-Christian values that it can never escape -- but at times like these, and in a world shaken by secular warfare, what America needs most from its next president is someone with a clear head and faith in him (or her) self.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Editorial  |  12-14-2007  |  Commentary

Tortured Politicsnew

A new version of torture has arrived in the form of arguments and shrugs from Michael B. Mukasey over the use of waterboarding by U.S. interrogators, as he deflected questioning by a Senate panel considering his nomination as the new U.S. attorney general.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Editorial  |  11-09-2007  |  Commentary

Hillary Rodham Poppinsnew

In 2008, the American electorate might just be in the mood for another Margaret Thatcher.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Mick Farren  |  10-19-2007  |  Commentary

Chief Bill Bratton's Secret Policenew

The brutally frank admission of screwups among the top ranks of the LAPD is refreshing and a welcome break from the past, but the chief let us all down by not revealing the names and misdeeds of the 26 officers who are the targets of internal investigations and face possible discipline.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Editorial  |  10-12-2007  |  Commentary

SCHIP: Bush's Plaguenew

Bush used only the fourth veto of his presidency to reject a bipartisan bill to extend and reform the State Children's Health Insurance Program, expanding the program from 6.6 million children to more than 10 million.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Editorial  |  10-05-2007  |  Commentary

Fred Thompson is a Tall Man, But a Straw Candidatenew

Without demeaning Thompson's experience as a former senator, in the law and politics -- not to mention his forays into sleazy Washington lobbying -- I'm inclined to believe his current voter support stems merely from his being the Hollywood stereotype of an authority figure.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Mick Farren  |  10-05-2007  |  Commentary

Prez Nomination Season is Over Before it Has Begunnew

The presidential primaries turns "goofy" in a sea of money, ego, and hubris.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Andrew Gumbel  |  10-05-2007  |  Commentary

Simpson and Bush: Two Delusional Americansnew

O.J. and G.W. bungle their robberies in Las Vegas and Iraq.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Andrew Gumbel  |  09-21-2007  |  Commentary

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