AltWeeklies Wire
Tennessee Republicans Link MLK to GOPnew
While the rest of the country was honoring King on the 40th anniversary of his assassination last week, the state GOP was trying to score a cheap political point by proclaiming that MLK was a Republican.
Nashville Scene |
Jeff Woods |
04-11-2008 |
A Really Bad Billnew
State lawmakers try to victimize kids to feed their homophobia.
Nashville Scene |
Liz Garrigan |
02-22-2008 |
Nashville Mayoral Candidate Bob Clement Has Some Rowdy Friendsnew
What do Teamster president Jimmy Neal, an Iraqi arms smuggler, a kooky Indian evangelist who was sued for allegedly defrauding charities and a Tennessee insurance executive being sued for ripping off old people all have in common?
Nashville Scene |
Liz Garrigan |
09-07-2007 |
Karl Dean for Mayornew
The Nashville Scene endorses Karl Dean for mayor of Nashville and Diane Neighbors for vice mayor -- now go vote.
Nashville Scene |
Liz Garrigan |
07-27-2007 |
Somebody Needs to Fall on His Swordnew
So to avoid a Bob Clement administration in Nashville, we'd argue for throwing idealism -- and either candidate Karl Dean or candidate David Briley -- overboard.
Nashville Scene |
Liz Garrigan |
06-29-2007 |
Be Very Afraidnew
If ever there were a case to disillusion the public about its state stewards, the case of death row inmate Paul House is it.
Nashville Scene |
Liz Garrigan |
12-15-2006 |
Corker Crashes Ford!new

Even discontent with Bush wasn't enough to elect a Ford to the U.S. Senate.
Nashville Scene |
Liz Garrigan and Jackson Baker |
11-08-2006 |
Tags: 2006elect
Every Day Is Like Justice Sundaynew

Nashville houses Justice Sunday II, the second installment in a series of "Save the Court" events designed to get certain segments of evangelical Christians ready for battles over U.S. Supreme Court nominations.
Nashville Scene |
Roger Abramson |
08-17-2005 |
Jesus Is Just All Right with Democrats, Toonew
Many Americans think that Democrats are skeptical of, if not downright hostile to, religion, particularly the Christian variety. Tennessee Democrats are doing something about it.
Nashville Scene |
Roger Abramson |
08-11-2005 |
Attaboy, Bill!new
Bill Frist is having a good week with the moderates. Does that mean we should forgive him for all the times he's abandoned good, commonsense judgment in favor of political expediency?
Nashville Scene |
Liz Garrigan |
08-03-2005 |
Meet Bill Frist, the New Al Gorenew
Even David Brooks has publicly broken up with the Senate majority leader. Bill, we hardly know ye.
Nashville Scene |
Liz Garrigan |
06-22-2005 |
Vote for John Kerrynew
The country is facing challenging problems. They're not for the so-so student in the class. They're not for a simpleton. They're not for George Bush.
Nashville Scene |
Nashville Scene |
10-25-2004 |
Tags: endorsement