AltWeeklies Wire
Handmade Mailnew
Email is great for so many things, but nothing quite compares to the feeling of getting real mail—the kind of letter or card that someone took the time to pen by hand, find a stamp for and drop off at the post office.
Jackson Free Press |
Kathleen M. Mitchell |
03-01-2013 |
Giving Heartsnew
The creative spirit is a strong one; it comes from deep within. That's why so often art creates in the viewer an emotional reaction or impact.
Jackson Free Press |
Julie Skipper |
02-08-2013 |
Put a Cork in Itnew
Making your own wine corkboard is very easy and less expensive than those kits anyway. Just start with a fun and funky frame.
Jackson Free Press |
JFP Staff |
01-05-2013 |
Striving for Magicnew
For artist Glennray Tutor, selling his comic book collection meant the difference between finally becoming an adult and continuing to be seen as a child by those around him.
Jackson Free Press |
Briana Robinson |
12-10-2012 |
Tags: Glennray Tutor
An Artful Approach to Learningnew
Each time the Jackson Free Press publishes one of the four annual arts preview issues, we are reminded of the immense diversity and wealth of talent that abounds in Mississippi.
Jackson Free Press |
JFP Editorial Board |
12-07-2012 |
Wrap it Upnew
It doesn’t take much extra time (or money!) to take your stack o’ presents from so-so to whoa!
Jackson Free Press |
Kathleen M. Mitchell |
12-07-2012 |
Easy Treesnew
An ombré paint-chip tree is a cozy DIY alternative to real pine.
Jackson Free Press |
Tait Kellogg |
11-30-2012 |
Arts on the Gulfnew
Silvery, coppery structures twist among old live oak trees near the shore of the Mississippi Sound, close to where the Biloxi Schooner docks. This is the site of the Ohr-O'Keefe Museum of Art, a complex of buildings that includes four metallic pods that torque like ancient, hurricane-battered trees.
Jackson Free Press |
Valerie Wells |
05-24-2012 |
Engineering Whimsynew

The Mississippi Museum of Art will open a public green space in downtown Jackson called the Art Garden.
Jackson Free Press |
Valerie Wells |
08-25-2011 |
Raoul Dufy: The Controversial Aesthetenew
The Mississippi Museum of Art's exhibition, "Dufy: A Celebration of Beauty," is a reminder that the world can and should be beautiful.
Jackson Free Press |
Nientara Anderson |
03-06-2009 |
'Grandma's Hands' Exhibit Examines the Quilt of Lifenew
"Grandma's Hands: Celebrating the Underground Raildroad Quilt Code" exhibition highlights a little known avenue used by escaped slaves to find their way to freedom.
Jackson Free Press |
Katy Rivlin |
02-19-2009 |
One Artist's Leap Of Faith on the Post-Katrina Gulf Coastnew
Mississippi artist H.C. Porter documented two years of life on the post-Hurricane Katrina Gulf Coast, culminating in more than 50 mixed-media paintings rendering real Mississippians and their struggles.
Jackson Free Press |
Terri Cowart |
05-07-2008 |
Portrait of A Young Man As An Artistnew
Greg Gandy is a 17-year-old high school fine arts student with a niche for blending sarcasm and humor with serious subjects in his art.
Jackson Free Press |
Ari Glogower |
09-07-2007 |
Tags: visual arts
The Museum Rebornnew
The new Mississippi Museum of Art, set to open June 9, changes the rules on how we interact with art.
Jackson Free Press |
Nientara Anderson |
06-07-2007 |
Tags: visual arts
Comics, Black and Whitenew
A new show exhibit demonstrates that comics can be deadly serious.
Jackson Free Press |
Nientara Anderson |
04-19-2007 |
Tags: visual arts