AltWeeklies Wire

The Protest Art of SB 1070new

SB 1070 has been bad for Arizona and worse for Mexicans, but it inspired a year's worth of great art.
Phoenix New Times  |  Claire Lawton  |  04-26-2011  |  Art

Luis Gutierrez Is Close to Making It in the Art World Despite Struggling with MSnew

There's a lot about Luis Gutierrez that isn't immediately apparent. To look at the irreverent, brightly colored prayer flags, you'd never guess they were created by a man plagued by multiple sclerosis, an incurable disease that could one day make it impossible for him to paint.
Phoenix New Times  |  Malia Politzer  |  01-05-2010  |  Art

For Old-School Art Pickers, the Thrill Is Fading, and So’s the Payoffnew

Call them what you like (and some call them vultures), art pickers are a dying breed. Auction site eBay has seen to that. As has Craigslist. And other Internet auction houses. And PBS's Antiques Roadshow.
Phoenix New Times  |  Robrt L. Pela  |  12-08-2009  |  Art

DOSE Takes Graffiti from the Street to the Museum and Beyondnew

Life's a ripe plum for DOSE right now. The veteran Phoenix writer has been steadily increasing his fame over the past few years, helping to form an art collective called Forever In Control and beginning to show in galleries and museums.
Phoenix New Times  |  Stephen Lemons  |  08-11-2009  |  Art

Hard Bodynew

Liz Cohen's infiltrating the lowrider world -- and calling it art.
Phoenix New Times  |  Megan Irwin  |  10-10-2006  |  Art

Software Engineer Designs Furniture Out of the Boxnew

Pink-haired Jose Avila made thrifty furnishings from Federal Express shipping cartons, bringing himself fame and cease-and-desist orders from FedEx.
Phoenix New Times  |  Robrt L. Pela  |  09-13-2005  |  Art

Artist Wants to Build Holocaust Memorial in Phoenixnew

Landscape architect Bill Tonnesen believes his true purpose in life is to build a Jewish Holocaust memorial of worldwide stature. Critics scoff that his greatest talent is self-promotion.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  03-22-2005  |  Art

Art Exhibit Watered Down to Appear Nonpartisannew

After word got out that an exhibit at the Arizona State University Art Museum,"Democracy in America," had some anti-Dubya, anti-war art, art considered anti-Bush was cut and work considered anti-Kerry was put in.
Phoenix New Times  |  Rick Barrs  |  10-13-2004  |  Art

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