AltWeeklies Wire
Save the 'Chronicle'!new
Hearst should not be allowed to turn San Francisco into the first major American city with no major daily newspaper.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
03-18-2009 |
Tags: San Francisco Chronicle, Hearst
Hooker Sciencenew
Are we still so Victorian that we think it's bad to pay large amounts for a few hours of skin-time?
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Annalee Newitz |
03-19-2008 |
The War on Sciencenew
Science is crucial to the management of the nation, and without it we're no better than a medieval kingdom.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Annalee Newitz |
02-28-2008 |
Nerd Resurgenew
Geek heroes sweep screens big and small.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Kimberly Chun |
08-09-2007 |
Journalists and Murdernew
It's rare that an American journalist is killed at home because somebody didn't want a story told, but times are changing; more reporters are facing prison at the hands of the authorities, and now at least one local writer is dead, quite possibly on account of what he had to say.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Tim Redmond |
08-09-2007 |
Criminals of Povertynew
No amount of punishment will ever succeed in lifting people out of poverty.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Tiny |
05-30-2007 |
California's Prison Insanitynew
The dumbest, most expensive, and least effective solution to crime is to build more prisons -- yet the state legislature and the governor have agreed to spend $8 billion to expand the bloated state prison system.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Editorial |
05-23-2007 |
Vote Obama Because He's Just Like an Apple Computer?new
I'm weirded out by the idea that it's meaningful to compare the Democratic primary to the release of a new technological gizmo.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Annalee Newitz |
03-28-2007 |
Don't Fight the New Medianew
Free the Media agitates for journalists' rights.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Josh Wolf |
03-21-2007 |
Tears and 'Happyness'new
Homeless reality and Hollywood's bootstrap myth.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Lisa Gray-Garcia |
01-03-2007 |
Happiness Sciencenew
While neuroscience struggles to untangle the mystery of whether dopamine boosts our happiness and which parts of the brain are active when people report being happy, social science has an easy answer: Just ask.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Annalee Newitz |
11-22-2006 |
How to Fight Singleton's Monopolynew
The pending deal for Denver-based MediaNews to take over four daily newspapers sets the scene for an unprecedented level of local media consolidation.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Editorial |
05-10-2006 |
Ending Trans Panicnew
Not even the most crass and sleazy defense lawyer these days would try to argue a killing was less heinous just because the victim was black.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Editorial |
03-16-2006 |
Tags: transgender
Craig's Community?new
When Craigslist comes to town, the existing community institutions have a very hard time competing, yet Craig Newmark continues to insist he's "building community."
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Tim Redmond |
02-06-2006 |
Tribal Secretsnew
Jack Abramoff's tribal clients were surely victims of the lobbyist's corrupt dealings, but the tribes might not have been so vulnerable if they had been less fond of secrecy.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Peter Scheer |
02-06-2006 |