AltWeeklies Wire

People Who Died: Our Homage to Late, Little-Known Greatsnew

What we're doing here, as we do in this space each year, is take a moment to remember a few of the less celebrated citizens of the world who helped shape it in a way disproportionate to the size of their renown. They each deserve a public RIP in some way, and here it is.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Baltimore City Paper Staff  |  01-05-2010  |  Commentary

Is This It? A Look Back at the Last Decadenew

The Y2K scare, the dot-com bust. Sept. 11, weapons of mass destruction, mission accomplished. Hurricane Katrina, evacuation, "looting," George Bush doesn't care about black people. A president admitted to knowingly giving misleading testimony.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Bret McCabe  |  12-29-2009  |  Commentary

People Who Died: Our Annual Alt-Obitsnew

Death took its usual toll this year, and seemingly then some. Genocide, war, terrorist attacks, disease -- yikes. But for the purposes of City Paper's annual tribute to influential cultural notables whose deaths deserve a little extra note, it was a terrible harvest.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Staff  |  01-06-2009  |  Commentary

I Officially Denounce Flavor Flavnew

I simply cannot overemphasize how important Public Enemy has been to my life. Frankly, that's why I've never publically addressed the post-Public Enemy phenomenon of Flavor Flav's fame. But between Flavor of Love, I Love New York, and Charm School, he continues to rule over a televised empire based on ignorance, and I can stay silent no longer.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Vincent Williams  |  05-06-2008  |  Commentary

On Race and Rumorsnew

These urban myths and 21st-century chain letters are important, because under the cover of internet anonymity, people expose their fears and prejudices in a manner that they never would in the light of day.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Vincent Williams  |  03-11-2008  |  Commentary

Women of The Yearsnew

Forget SI's vacant swimsuit smiles -- here are 20 babes whose babeness matters.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Ian Grey, Emily Flake, Violet Glaze and Bret McCabe  |  02-19-2008  |  Commentary

Mr. Wrong: A Super Bowl® of Stimulusnew

I can't fucking stay on top of all these events that are current, in a columnar fashion, see?
Baltimore City Paper  |  Joe MacLeod  |  02-05-2008  |  Commentary


Like many issues left over from slavery, we've never honestly addressed the so-called color line in black America.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Vincent Williams  |  11-06-2007  |  Commentary

New Orleans Reduxnew

The sad truth is, now that the news cameras are gone, most of us have no real idea of what's happening in the city.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Vincent Williams  |  10-23-2007  |  Commentary

Protesting Too Much?new

At what point could the time spent on cultural activism be better spent on some type of pragmatic movement?
Baltimore City Paper  |  Vincent Williams  |  07-03-2007  |  Commentary

Social Studies: Cultural Baggagenew

Sure enough, my new messenger bag says, "To Serve the People," and, sure enough, it is a Mao quote, but beyond the striking iconography of the red star and the script, I have to wonder what all I am saying with it, and is that really the baggage I want to carry around with me?
Baltimore City Paper  |  Vincent Williams  |  05-15-2007  |  Commentary

'Ho' Downnew

While the term "nappy-headed hos" and hip-hop lyrics are currently under the spotlight, the overarching issues behind the present controversies are as old as African-American art -- and the problem isn't bad images; the problem is bad art.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Vincent Williams  |  05-01-2007  |  Commentary

Ice Cube's Transformative Potentialnew

It looks to me that this is the way America is supposed to work -- because if Ice Cube can successfully make a public journey from one place to another, who knows how far we can all go in our private journeys?
Baltimore City Paper  |  Vincent Williams  |  04-17-2007  |  Commentary

Good Godnew

How important was James Brown to black America?
Baltimore City Paper  |  Vincent Williams  |  01-03-2007  |  Commentary

Cover Menew

After listening almost exclusively to cover albums over the past couple of months, I've come to realize that a good cover of a song is ultimately a credit to the original artist.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Vincent Williams  |  12-07-2006  |  Commentary

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