AltWeeklies Wire
People Who Died: Our Homage to Late, Little-Known Greatsnew

What we're doing here, as we do in this space each year, is take a moment to remember a few of the less celebrated citizens of the world who helped shape it in a way disproportionate to the size of their renown. They each deserve a public RIP in some way, and here it is.
Baltimore City Paper |
Baltimore City Paper Staff |
01-05-2010 |
Is This It? A Look Back at the Last Decadenew
The Y2K scare, the dot-com bust. Sept. 11, weapons of mass destruction, mission accomplished. Hurricane Katrina, evacuation, "looting," George Bush doesn't care about black people. A president admitted to knowingly giving misleading testimony.
Baltimore City Paper |
Bret McCabe |
12-29-2009 |
People Who Died: Our Annual Alt-Obitsnew
Death took its usual toll this year, and seemingly then some. Genocide, war, terrorist attacks, disease -- yikes. But for the purposes of City Paper's annual tribute to influential cultural notables whose deaths deserve a little extra note, it was a terrible harvest.
Baltimore City Paper |
Staff |
01-06-2009 |
I Officially Denounce Flavor Flavnew

I simply cannot overemphasize how important Public Enemy has been to my life. Frankly, that's why I've never publically addressed the post-Public Enemy phenomenon of Flavor Flav's fame. But between Flavor of Love, I Love New York, and Charm School, he continues to rule over a televised empire based on ignorance, and I can stay silent no longer.
Baltimore City Paper |
Vincent Williams |
05-06-2008 |
On Race and Rumorsnew
These urban myths and 21st-century chain letters are important, because under the cover of internet anonymity, people expose their fears and prejudices in a manner that they never would in the light of day.
Baltimore City Paper |
Vincent Williams |
03-11-2008 |
Women of The Yearsnew

Forget SI's vacant swimsuit smiles -- here are 20 babes whose babeness matters.
Baltimore City Paper |
Ian Grey, Emily Flake, Violet Glaze and Bret McCabe |
02-19-2008 |
Mr. Wrong: A Super Bowl® of Stimulusnew
I can't fucking stay on top of all these events that are current, in a columnar fashion, see?
Baltimore City Paper |
Joe MacLeod |
02-05-2008 |
Like many issues left over from slavery, we've never honestly addressed the so-called color line in black America.
Baltimore City Paper |
Vincent Williams |
11-06-2007 |
New Orleans Reduxnew
The sad truth is, now that the news cameras are gone, most of us have no real idea of what's happening in the city.
Baltimore City Paper |
Vincent Williams |
10-23-2007 |
Protesting Too Much?new
At what point could the time spent on cultural activism be better spent on some type of pragmatic movement?
Baltimore City Paper |
Vincent Williams |
07-03-2007 |
Social Studies: Cultural Baggagenew

Sure enough, my new messenger bag says, "To Serve the People," and, sure enough, it is a Mao quote, but beyond the striking iconography of the red star and the script, I have to wonder what all I am saying with it, and is that really the baggage I want to carry around with me?
Baltimore City Paper |
Vincent Williams |
05-15-2007 |
'Ho' Downnew
While the term "nappy-headed hos" and hip-hop lyrics are currently under the spotlight, the overarching issues behind the present controversies are as old as African-American art -- and the problem isn't bad images; the problem is bad art.
Baltimore City Paper |
Vincent Williams |
05-01-2007 |
Tags: imus
Ice Cube's Transformative Potentialnew
It looks to me that this is the way America is supposed to work -- because if Ice Cube can successfully make a public journey from one place to another, who knows how far we can all go in our private journeys?
Baltimore City Paper |
Vincent Williams |
04-17-2007 |
Good Godnew
How important was James Brown to black America?
Baltimore City Paper |
Vincent Williams |
01-03-2007 |
Cover Menew
After listening almost exclusively to cover albums over the past couple of months, I've come to realize that a good cover of a song is ultimately a credit to the original artist.
Baltimore City Paper |
Vincent Williams |
12-07-2006 |
Tags: Radiohead, cover albums