AltWeeklies Wire
Thirty-Six Reasons to Give 2010 a Chancenew
Forget the epic suckage of 2009. Here are 36 reasons you should give the coming year a chance.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Las Vegas Weekly Staff |
12-31-2009 |
Our critics’ picks: The films, albums and books that defined a decadenew
Josh Bell adds another feather to "Eternal Sunshines' cap while Mike D'Angelo hands the crown to Memento. Spencer Paterson says Radiohead ruled another decade, and John Freeman on The True History of the Kelly Gang.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Las Vegas Weekly Staff |
12-10-2009 |
Comparing Jay Bybee's Torture Memos & 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas'new

For Bybee as much as for Thompson, reality must be mitigated, banished or defeated. Thompson uses drugs, and Bybee plays with the law until it goes blind.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Richard Abowitz |
05-14-2009 |
Perez is Burning: My Personal Screed Against America's Celebrity Bloggernew
Rare is it that a famous person is about as much of a jerk as you might expect, but such was the case in January 2007 when I arranged the first public appearance in Las Vegas for uber-gossip blogger Perez Hilton, aka Mario Lavandeira. I bring this up now, lo these many months later, because Lavandeira has not only blatantly done me wrong but also exposed himself and his questionable methods in a rare and unique way in the process. And nothing gives me more pleasure than showing the world when an asshole is a fraud.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Steve Friess |
05-30-2008 |
Hillary, Barack, and John Replacing Britney and Lindsay in Your Checkout Linenew
The National Enquirer, Globe and the National Examiner are running almost as many stories about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as The National Review and The Nation are. Even John McCain has graced a couple of covers. Naturally, the tabs are less interested in the candidates' political positions than their sexual ones.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Greg Beato |
05-16-2008 |
Flap Over Vodka Ad Begs for a Little Revisionist Historynew
U.S. Absolut drinkers were drunk on furious rage recently when word got out that the company was running an ad in Mexico depicting a pre-1848 North American map -- when Mexico controlled the entire Southwest and California -- with the tagline "In an Absolut World."
Las Vegas Weekly |
Tovin Lapan |
05-02-2008 |
Oprah's Quest to Overhaul Humanitynew

It's a noble endeavor, and it's awesome that Oprah has so much faith in us, and in herself, that she thinks she can alter the fate of humanity in just 10 weeks of chatting on the internet! But it'd also be nice if she chose her spiritual mechanics a little more judiciously.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Greg Beato |
04-25-2008 |
Look Out Brad, George and Leo: The Ordinary Joe is Making a Comebacknew

Just when it seems as if every other person on MySpace has appropriated the props and poses of celebrity so deftly you can't be sure if they're some CW demi-star or just a manager at the local Jiffy Lube or Manic Panic, Hollywood movie stars are beginning to look a lot like regular people.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Greg Beato |
04-18-2008 |
Tags: celebrity
Las Vegas' Mob Mentalitynew
For better or worse, sin city continues to revel in its gangster past.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Steve Friess |
03-28-2008 |
Paying Homage to the Seven Deadly Sins on the Stripnew
Sin City, middle of Lent, and Easter's fast approaching. My devilish mind got to reeling: What if I flirted with the devil, saw what would happen if I unapologetically indulged in the seven deadly sins on the Strip during one of the holiest times of the year?
Las Vegas Weekly |
Nick Divito |
03-14-2008 |
Las Vegas: Fat Citynew
As Las Vegas Weekly's token fatty I've been tapped to weigh in on recent news from Men's Fitness that we here in this Valley are the nation's fattest. Again.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Nick Divito |
02-28-2008 |
Insuring Celebrity Miserynew
Tom Jones' chest beard is just the beginning.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Greg Beato |
02-14-2008 |
Can Snugglecore Satisfy?new
There is a tail-wagging, heartwarming universe of websites devoted to the cute and nothing but the cute, cuteness fetishized until the tiny, scrunchable mammals portrayed on, and an ever-expanding menagerie of copycat sites exist as little more than mere objects to be brutally cuddled.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Greg Beato |
01-25-2008 |