AltWeeklies Wire

New Orleanian of the Year 2009: Jim Lettennew

The mere mention of Jim Letten's name sends shivers down the spines of crooked pols and evokes cheers from citizens, but he gives all the credit to his staff, fellow prosecutors, the FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration and other agencies.
Gambit  |  The Gambit Staff  |  01-06-2010  |  Commentary

Children of the Recoverynew

A package of "School Readiness Tax Credits" being considered by the Louisiana Legislature to help care for children of the recovery is winning praise from national, state and local experts for its innovative approach to financing early childcare and education.
Gambit  |  Anonymous  |  06-12-2007  |  Commentary

Now More Than Ever, New Orleans Needs Leadershipnew

A new report by the Public Affairs Research Council and the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government describes recovery efforts 18 months after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita as "uneven" across the Gulf Coast.
Gambit  |  Staff  |  04-24-2007  |  Commentary

What is Culture?new

Everything is now said to have a "culture" -- we have "Nazi culture," we have "corporate culture," and every city has its own culture. The only thing worse than "culture" is when it's joined with "creative" -- that's when I reach for both of my red pens.
Gambit  |  Andrei Codrescu  |  04-04-2007  |  Commentary

Katrina: The Never-Ending Storynew

There are the stories of the storm, and we have been telling them and being told them for a year-and-a-half now.
Gambit  |  Ronnie Virgets  |  03-07-2007  |  Commentary

100 Days to Hurricane Seasonnew

While memories and images of Katrina are still all around us, Congress should act to shore up the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) so that coastal and low-lying communities across America can have real protection from catastrophic floods.
Gambit  |  Editorial  |  02-21-2007  |  Commentary

The Death of Anna Nicole Smithnew

Smith was a creature of the media, proof that fame makes more fame, that we live in the age of the eternal feedback loop -- when she died, the media seized her passing as if a great part of the media itself had passed, and it had.
Gambit  |  Andrei Codrescu  |  02-21-2007  |  Commentary

Throw Us Something, Americanew

Across the country, it's time to make some noise about New Orleans -- it's time for a National Mardi Gras.
Gambit  |  Michael Tisserand  |  01-24-2006  |  Commentary

Talking Pointsnew

Regrettably, New Orleanians are having to defend their city, forced to answer a ridiculous question: Why rebuild New Orleans, especially there? OK, here’s why …
Gambit  |  David Lee Simmons  |  12-13-2005  |  Commentary

So Long...For Nownew

Gambit Weekly Arts & Entertainment Editor David Lee Simmons responds to former Editor Michael Tisserand’s “Submerged” finale about the painful decision to leave New Orleans -- and why those who stay in the city need to learn to let go.
Gambit  |  David Lee Simmons  |  12-06-2005  |  Commentary

Picking Up the Piecesnew

After Katrina, New Orleans will need lots of faith, hope -- and the right priorities.
Gambit  |  Clancy DuBos  |  11-04-2005  |  Commentary

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