AltWeeklies Wire
San Antonio Chefs Working to Elevate Citynew

A bevy of prominent San Antonio chefs have formed a group to raise the level of the city's culinary notoriety.
San Antonio Current |
Lauren W. Madrid |
03-09-2012 |
Tags: San Antonio Chefs
Semi-Cellaring Bordeauxnew

The big boys with super cellars and the bucks to fill them are likely to brag about their big Bordeaux, their Burgundies, and maybe even their Brunellos.
San Antonio Current |
Ron Bechtol |
03-09-2012 |
Tags: wine
Infusion 101: Strawberry Basil Vodka and Mojitonew

Though most bars keep their recipes secret, bartender Stephany Gordon shared this infusion with us, and a drink you can make from it.
San Antonio Current |
Brandon R. Reynolds |
03-08-2012 |
Chilis, Sweet Corn, and Bacon at the Bottom of the Bottlenew

What bartenders are doing in their booze labs these days hearkens back to the classy-cocktails heyday when egg whites went into some zoot-suiter's Ramos Gin Fizz, as well as the wild innovation that made prison wine possible.
San Antonio Current |
Brandon R. Reynolds |
03-07-2012 |
Pastured Eggs in San Antonionew

"Organic" conjures up images of healthy animals and grounds, but organic eggs are nothing more than birds fed organic feed and not given antibiotics or hormones.
San Antonio Current |
Liz Schau |
03-04-2012 |
Tags: organic eggs
How to Navigate the Flavored Vodka Boomnew

In another sign of our complexifying times, vodka, whose virtue was once that it tasted like nothing, now tastes like everything.
San Antonio Current |
Brandon R. Reynolds |
02-29-2012 |
Tags: Flavored vodka
Value Vino: Is $5.99 wine worth drinking?new

Consumer Reports, the entity famous for trashing (literally and figuratively) automobiles and other consumer products, has weighed in on wine, claiming that their "experts" rated the 2009 Alice White Shiraz from Australia "better than a wine that cost $43."
San Antonio Current |
Ron Bechtol |
02-27-2012 |
Tags: wine, value wine
DIY Valentine's Daynew

Because nothing's sweeter than home-cooked romance.
San Antonio Current |
Ron Bechtol |
02-09-2012 |
Shiner's Wild Harenew

The good folks at the Spoetzl Brewery in Shiner have explored many German and Czech lagers since they launched their annual anniversary brew series seven years ago, but on the occasion of their 103rd year of making beer for Texans the brewery has made its first ale.
San Antonio Current |
Travis E. Poling |
02-08-2012 |
Tags: beer, shiner beer
Sn Antonio chefs honored by StarChefsnew

Food & Wine has good reason to come to Texas (as they announced they will with a fest in April in, yawn, Austin) — we have so many great chefs in this area. agrees.
San Antonio Current |
Lauren W. Madrid |
02-01-2012 |
Tags: san antonio chefs, StarChefs
San Antonio's 'Mr. Riesling'new

How does a college English instructor get to be a respected wine authority and purveyor? The same way you get to Carnegie Hall: practice, practice, practice.
San Antonio Current |
Ron Bechtol |
01-27-2012 |
Tags: San Antonio Wine
Top guac sought by Olé Avocadonew

With the Super Bowl on the horizon, some of you are perfecting your tailgating hors d'oeuvres. If you think your guacamole can't be beat, now's your chance to prove it.
San Antonio Current |
Lauren W. Madrid |
01-19-2012 |
Tags: Olé Avocado, Making guacamole
Smart Wines from 2011 ... for 2012new

Although it has always seemed a little like cheating, recapping an entire year is useful for critics feeling the end-of-year time crunch.
San Antonio Current |
Ron Bechtol |
01-11-2012 |
Nutmeggy Parsnips Provide Long-Term Benefitsnew

Parsnips are hardly a secret. Unlike celeriac or rutabaga, most have at least heard of parsnip, even if they can't remember what it looks like. The fragrant taproot that resembles an ivory-white carrot was once a big deal in the old country.
San Antonio Current |
Ari LeVaux |
01-04-2012 |
Wine With Wordsnew

Time Warner struck again the other day. I’ve been having problems, but this was a neighborhood-wide outage, taking with it the land line (no biggie), the computer (much more of an issue) and, of course, the TV. Which meant no CSI, no Law and Order SVU, no Criminal Minds, Zombieland, or Warehouse 13. What’s a guy to do?
San Antonio Current |
Ron Bechtol |
12-30-2011 |