AltWeeklies Wire

Populist Carolyn Chute Disbands the 2nd Maine Militia, Turns to Revising Her Book Seriesnew

Militant populist author Carolyn Chute has disbanded the 2nd Maine Militia, which she has led for many years, to focus on revising the book series that began with School last year. After that five-volume work is complete, though, she hints that she may retire.
Portland Phoenix  |  Rick Wormwood  |  10-29-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

'God is Dead' Explores the Potential Aftershocks of God's Deathnew

Throughout this surprising, funny, and often provocative book, Currie imbues his characters with a sobriety that allows his audacious concepts to take root.
Portland Phoenix  |  Christopher Gray  |  09-13-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Inside the Boxnew

Author Stacy Mitchell tackles America's chain retailers and the grassroots efforts to fight them.
Portland Phoenix  |  Sara Donnelly  |  11-09-2006  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Bern Porter, Poet, Scientist, Mail Artist, Dies at 93new

One of the most interesting characters in American letters died earlier this year, to little notice. This is a retrospective of his career, including a visit to his hometown's historical society and to his now disused home.
Portland Phoenix  |  Alex Irvine  |  09-15-2004  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

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