AltWeeklies Wire
Alicia Keys Speaks to the Soul on 'The Element of Freedom'new

There are singers for whom song is one thing and one thing only: a church. Alicia Keys is that kind of artist, and for those of us who still look to records for uplift, for comfort, for a soundtrack to our joy and sorrow and fumbling growth, for a way to make sense of the human experience — Alicia is our girl.
The Georgia Straight |
Tara Henley |
01-11-2010 |
Nothing Inviting About Indie-Jazz Albumnew
As much of a downer as it is, The Furniture Moves Underneath finds Inhabitants mastering the gloomier side of jazz.
The Georgia Straight |
Gregory Adams |
02-01-2008 |
Rat Silo Returns With Stripped-Down Rocknew
Some of Rat Silo sounds excellent and some of it seems as if it would benefit from a bigger budget and tighter production. But as the aforementioned bio warns, “Don’t expect the next one to sound exactly like this one.”
The Georgia Straight |
John Lucas |
02-01-2008 |
Tags: Rat Silo, What the Butler Saw
Done With a Triple-Grande Caramel Macchiatonew
At its best, In Lights delivers catchy doses of postgrunge pop-rock that sound like every band signed to 604 Records.
The Georgia Straight |
Lucas Aykroyd |
02-01-2008 |
31 Christmas Siscs from Ho Ho! to Oh No!new
Let's have a little sympathy for Jesus. After all, he sounds like a pretty righteous dude. So it's a pity that we celebrate his birthday every year by singing some truly wretched songs.
The Georgia Straight |
Staff |
12-17-2007 |
Deborah Harry Stretches Vocal Chordsnew
Her fifth since 1981's Koo Koo, and her first in 14 years, Necessary Evil finds the singer working with a Brooklyn-based version of the Matrix.
The Georgia Straight |
Staff |
10-22-2007 |
Tags: Deborah Harry, Necessary Evil
Fans Will Love -- All Others Approach With Extreme Cautionnew
Secretly I've hoped one day the band would fuse its forays into fantastical realms with something I'd want to sing in the shower, but Tears of the Valedictorian is as obtuse and determinedly awry as previous records.
The Georgia Straight |
Shawn Conner |
04-27-2007 |