AltWeeklies Wire

Be Your Own Pet Meets the Sophmore Cursenew

With Get Awkward, the band's songs are still bracing and efficient and singer Jemina Pearl is still an unhinged, full-throttle screamer who's unashamed to make a shouted "WHOOO!" part of a chorus.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jason Ferguson  |  05-22-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Be Your Own Pet Makes the Suits Nervousnew

Punk used to be dangerous. Now it's neutered and sanitized for our listening pleasure.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  05-12-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Be Your Own Pet Refuse to Grow Up and That's Goodnew

The group's second album sounds like a promise that even though she's no longer a teenager, we can still expect the Muppet-punk brattiness that animated the band's eponymous 2006 debut, which was known to blister paint at high volumes.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Stephen Deusner  |  04-04-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

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