AltWeeklies Wire
Wu-Tang Clan Revolts Against Its Mastermindnew
Clearly emboldened by the fact that he doesn't need the Clan to move units, Ghostface Killah attacked RZA and 8 Diagrams with vigor.
Baltimore City Paper |
Michael Alan Goldberg |
01-15-2008 |
Tags: 8 Diagrams, The Wu-Tang Clan
Top Ten: The Year in Baltimore Musicnew
Our gritty little burg has a whole lot of something on any other city in this country. Opening the mail at City Paper every day, I simply can't risk not listening to everything that comes in.
Baltimore City Paper |
Staff |
12-18-2007 |
Prince's Control Issuesnew
For the past few months, Prince has been engaging in warfare with his fans.
Baltimore City Paper |
Vincent Williams |
11-20-2007 |
Tags: Prince
Other People's Propertynew
The world may never run out of songs, but you'd be forgiven for thinking otherwise. How else do you explain the approximately eleventy-bajillion covers albums released in 2007 -- including ones from Shawn Lee, Ann Wilson, Robert Plant and Alison Krauss?
Baltimore City Paper |
Michaelangelo Matos |
10-30-2007 |
Checking in with the Latest Round of MuzikMafia Releasesnew
In some quarters, the MuzikMafia was hailed as country-music saviors who would change the way music was made in Nashville; in others, they were dismissed as flashes-in-the-pan who would soon vanish like most novelty acts -- neither prediction proved accurate.
Baltimore City Paper |
Geoffrey Himes |
08-14-2007 |
Public Guilt Scratches the Surfacenew
Looks great, sounds even better -- the Baltimore record label helps midwife a noise document of right now.
Baltimore City Paper |
Jess Harvell |
06-05-2007 |
Max Bemis, the Auteurnew
Say Anything's frontman wants you to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain who's begging for attention.
Baltimore City Paper |
Jess Harvell |
05-08-2007 |
Tags: Say Anything
She's All Thatnew
Or, how I learned to stop worrying about liking young R&B strumpets and love my passive sexism and racism.
Baltimore City Paper |
Bret McCabe |
04-24-2007 |
Pickin' a Fightnew
Young punks and rockers -- like the Avett Brothers and the Everybodyfields -- try to find their place in an old folks' bluegrass world.
Baltimore City Paper |
Robbie Whelan |
04-17-2007 |
Back from the Gravenew

A revitalized Stooges manage to show up the Black Lips and the Ponys, two young pretenders to the throne.
Baltimore City Paper |
Mikael Wood |
03-27-2007 |
The Best of Both Worldsnew
Baltimore hip-hop finally has a sound of its own -- just don't call it "club-hop."
Baltimore City Paper |
Al Shipley |
07-19-2006 |
Techno Vaporsnew
A new wave of French computer geeks burns through hip-hop's intestinal tract.
Baltimore City Paper |
Jess Harvell |
10-13-2005 |
Sip and Spinnew

Here's a rough guide to the candy-painted, syrup-soaked sound of Houston hip-hop
Baltimore City Paper |
Kye Stephenson |
10-06-2005 |