AltWeeklies Wire

'Boogie Man' Looks at the Man Who Brought You Willie Hortonnew

Bending over backwards to be fair, Boogie Man both gives Atwater too much credit and doesn't give him enough blame. Surely this wasn't the first guy who ever played a dirty trick, but even if he was, is that anything to be impressed by?
Isthmus  |  Kent Williams  |  11-04-2008  |  Reviews

'Father' is a Bittersweet Look Backnew

Dear old dad takes another left hook to the chin in When Did You Last See Your Father? -- well, not a hook so much as a series of jabs.
Isthmus  |  Kent Williams  |  08-26-2008  |  Reviews

'The Dark Knight' is the Best Batman Evernew

In a summer jam-packed with superheroes, Batman has made a couple of smart moves. He's waited until everybody else -- Ironman, The Hulk, Hancock, Hellboy -- exhausted themselves, letting anticipation build. And he's kept things serious, refusing to stoop to comic-book hijinks.
Isthmus  |  Kent Williams  |  07-28-2008  |  Reviews

Steve Carell is an Unlikely Spy in 'Get Smart'new

The movie is being billed as an action comedy, but this is one of those cases where the action works against the comedy, crushes it in its big clumsy fingers.
Isthmus  |  Kent Williams  |  06-30-2008  |  Reviews

The New Indy Offers More Thrills and Chills, but Why?new

As everyone knows, Indiana Jones is back at it again, some 19 years after what some of us thought was The Last Crusade. Everyone's older now -- Spielberg, Lucas, Ford, us. But what really seems old, and rather tired, is the idea itself, that a movie can be devoted almost entirely to thrills and chills.
Isthmus  |  Kent Williams  |  06-02-2008  |  Reviews

'The Violin': Guns and Musicnew

For a movie that clearly sides with the rebel forces, The Violin does an admirable job of extending an olive branch to the occupying army. Not all of them are vicious murderers.
Isthmus  |  Kent Williams  |  03-24-2008  |  Reviews

'The Business of Being Born': Special Deliverynew

In 1900, 95 percent of the births in this country took place at home. Today, it's less than 1 percent. What happened? Epstein rounds up the experts to explain how what was once considered a blessed event came to be seen as a medical event.
Isthmus  |  Kent Williams  |  03-04-2008  |  Reviews

'In Bruges' Creates a New Kind of Hit-Man Humornew

Ostensibly a comedy, the film cracks its jokes with a heavy heart. It tries to laugh off what hit men do for a living and fails miserably.
Isthmus  |  Kent Williams  |  02-19-2008  |  Reviews

Why Rambo Fightsnew

Rambo has speed and power, even grace, which is to say it serves up its heapin' helpin' of red meat on a silver platter. But it's not just a splatter-fest. Stallone's picking up on the nihilism that's out there — the idealism, too.
Isthmus  |  Kent Williams  |  02-05-2008  |  Reviews

'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly': Mind Over Matternew

Adapted memoir finds a man trapped in his body.
Isthmus  |  Kent Williams  |  01-22-2008  |  Reviews

'Lions for Lambs' is Skeptical About the War on Terrornew

It's certainly didactic at times, like a college theme paper turned into an episode of West Wing. But the dialogue's sharp and incisive, and the acting's first-rate. And there's star charisma to burn, what with Tom Cruise, Meryl Streep and, of course, Redford himself along for the ride.
Isthmus  |  Kent Williams  |  11-13-2007  |  Reviews

'Body of War' is Agitprop and Proud of Itnew

But it's so up-close-and-personal that it winds up transcending its political mission.
Isthmus  |  Kent Williams  |  11-06-2007  |  Reviews

'American Gangster' Wastes Two Brilliant Actorsnew

Director Ridley Scott keeps everything dark and moody, the better to court Oscar's favor. But this is no Godfather or The Departed; it's too inert.
Isthmus  |  Kent Williams  |  11-06-2007  |  Reviews

'The Ten' Breaks the Rulesnew

Naked Gun meets Waiting for Godot.
Isthmus  |  Kent Williams  |  09-11-2007  |  Reviews

'The Simpsons Movie': American Idiotnew

The movie ranks right up there with the average good episode, albeit four times as long and largely (but not entirely) free of commercial interruptions.
Isthmus  |  Kent Williams  |  08-06-2007  |  Reviews

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