AltWeeklies Wire

Dance of the Penguinnew

That whole talking animal genre? -- Let's be done with it.
Houston Press  |  Jordan Harper  |  11-21-2006  |  Reviews

Torah! Torah! Torah!new

Protocols of Zion takes a hard look at those who fear Jews, from white supremacists to black supremacists.
Houston Press  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  12-09-2005  |  Reviews

Bum Rapnew

Rare is the movie that so perfectly critiques itself; 50 Cent sounds articulate in his raps, but as a lead actor, he talks like his mouth is filled with food.
Houston Press  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  11-14-2005  |  Reviews

Moore's the Pitynew

This tear-jerking film about a woman who supported her family of 12 by winning a jingle contest won't win any prizes.
Houston Press  |  Melissa Levine  |  11-01-2005  |  Reviews

Gettin' Jiggy Againnew

Despite the quick turnaround time for Saw II, it improves on all of its predecessor film's problem areas while leaving intact everything that was good about the Saw concept.
Houston Press  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  11-01-2005  |  Reviews

Writes and Wrongsnew

In Capote, a murder leads to a masterpiece, which leads to an undoing.
Houston Press  |  Robert Wilonsky  |  10-10-2005  |  Reviews

Hello from Kazakhstannew

A dark story about a 15-year-old recruiter for outlaw prizefights paints a harrowing portrait of the former Soviet state.
Houston Press  |  Bill Gallo  |  08-01-2005  |  Reviews

A Tale of Two Bastardsnew

An extension of 1973's Scenes From a Marriage, the dialogue-filled Saraband is bogged down by its monstrous men.
Houston Press  |  Melissa Levine  |  08-01-2005  |  Reviews

One for the Girlsnew

Traveling Pants is an ill fit for the screen, but teens and tweens will love it.
Houston Press  |  Melissa Levine  |  06-06-2005  |  Reviews

All the Right Movesnew

What could be more adorable than 10-year-olds in a ballroom dance competition? With great music, cute kids, and a triumphant climax, this documentary on the annual competition is wildly enjoyable.
Houston Press  |  Melissa Levine  |  06-06-2005  |  Reviews

Scoundrel Timenew

Any American who hopes to watch this portrait of unfettered greed without going postal would do well to bring tranquilizers.
Houston Press  |  Bill Gallo  |  04-25-2005  |  Reviews

Indie Gothic Goes Southnew

This film enjoys a setting drenched in signification (New Orleans), accomplished photography and several rich personalities. But it never gels. Primarily, it can't rise above two major weaknesses: a plangent, plaintive script and the inadequacies of John Travolta.
Houston Press  |  Melissa Levine  |  01-25-2005  |  Reviews

Not Rocknenew

True to form, Samuel L. Jackson presents his Don't Screw With Me credentials once again playing Coach Carter. This time, though, he does it for the betterment of humankind.
Houston Press  |  Bill Gallo  |  01-18-2005  |  Reviews

Den of Iniquitynew

This delightful Spanish drama is worth seeing for its calm, apt depiction of its principal characters, a gay "bearish" uncle and the nephew he parents. An opening scene of sex between men has been bowdlerized from the American print.
Houston Press  |  Melissa Levine  |  01-03-2005  |  Reviews

Brothers in Armsnew

This is the kind of big-screen opus that Michael Bay only wishes Pearl Harbor could have been. Foreign films often feature intellectual alternatives to homegrown cinema, but rare is the foreign blockbuster that can go toe-to-toe with the big American studio action franchise flicks and clobber them on their own terms.
Houston Press  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  09-28-2004  |  Reviews

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