AltWeeklies Wire

Larger and Smaller Than Lifenew

This scathing family fictionalization draws flaws more boldly than virtues.
Seattle Weekly  |  Tim Appelo  |  11-02-2005  |  Reviews

Unsure Shotnew

A new film depicts how a kid became a killer, almost, during the frustrating first Gulf War. Its main achievement is to get us inside Anthony Swofford's "empty vessel," the mind of a Marine, a "jarhead," as it is first formed by hardship, then filled with horror.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  11-02-2005  |  Reviews

Love in the Late Afternoonnew

Steve Martin stretches his novella into a modest, melancholy and affecting film.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  10-26-2005  |  Reviews

Head Casenew

Both patient and shrink could use some meds. So could the movie.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  10-20-2005  |  Reviews

Publish and Perishnew

The writer will do anything to get his book. The film shows at what a profound moral cost.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  10-20-2005  |  Reviews

See It Now, All Over Againnew

Don't believe the liberal media, George Clooney powerfully reminds us -- unless you're prepared to live with the grim alternative.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  10-12-2005  |  Reviews

Better Than Chicken Run or Corpse Bridenew

Helena Bonham Carter also stars in the other, infinitely more technically advanced stop-motion animation hit, Tim Burton's Corpse Bride, but she's a snore in that, a scream in Curse of the Were-Rabbit.
Seattle Weekly  |  Tim Appelo  |  10-05-2005  |  Reviews

Sense and Shagabilitynew

Can the smart sister and the hot sister ever learn to get along? Even a few guys may get caught up in their dilemma.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  10-05-2005  |  Reviews

Feathers and Furnew

Everybody loves penguins, but there's another animal star lurking at the box office -- if you can see the elusive beast.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  10-05-2005  |  Reviews

No Exitnew

Theme-park workers can't escape, and the director, too, seems stuck in a rut.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  09-07-2005  |  Reviews

Beyond Bordersnew

Globalization is the new villain in an effective international thriller.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  08-31-2005  |  Reviews

Into the Wildnew

Werner Herzog finds one of his very best subjects by accident. His wonderfully foolhardy hero, however, is on a fatal journey of self-discovery.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  08-10-2005  |  Reviews

The Undraped Crusadernew

This new Batman gains psychological depth, even if he loses a bit of his old static grandeur.
Seattle Weekly  |  Tim Appelo  |  06-15-2005  |  Reviews

The Marriage Reloadednew

Holster your weapons, please. Firepower overwhelms star power in this off-target comedy.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  06-08-2005  |  Reviews

The Class Warriornew

Ron Howard strips a genuine working man's hero of his social significance. But our Wal-Mart nation will probably still cheer.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  06-01-2005  |  Reviews

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