AltWeeklies Wire
Africville's Racism Documentednew
Africville: Can't Stop Now, a documentary about Eddie, Nelson and Irvine Carvery's lifelong search for compensation.
The Coast, Halifax's Weekly |
Hilary Beaumont |
08-05-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
'Blood Shed' Brings a Little Slice of Atlantic Horror to the Worldnew

Jason Shipley's directorial debut is a 15-minute boozy gorefest that premiered at Fredericton's Silver Wave Film Festival last November. And it's been on a roll since then.
The Coast, Halifax's Weekly |
Tara Thorne |
05-29-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
New Documentary 'Global Metal' Moshes with the Universality of Heavy Metalnew

"It was my experience in high school that all the metalheads were pretty nice guys," says Scot McFadyen. He thinks for most metal fans a genuine awareness, respect and compassion for people "overrides wanting to appear badass."
The Coast, Halifax's Weekly |
Staff |
11-18-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
New Doc Puts a Spotlight on Rubik's Cube Enthusiastsnew

Originally determined to make a mockumentary about the role the Rubik's Cube played in an old family story, Robert LeBlanc decided to take a more sincere approach when that project fell through.
The Coast, Halifax's Weekly |
Hillary Titley |
09-12-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
'Young People Fucking' Pushes RomComs Past the Usual Chaste First Kissnew
"For us, romance usually happens in the bedroom. It's hard to have a relationship movie without sex, but at the same time, sex-comedies are for virgins or something -- they're about kids trying to see their first boob -- they're really juvenile."
The Coast, Halifax's Weekly |
Hillary Titley |
06-16-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Martin Gero, Young People Fucking
Ellen Page's Leap Yearnew
From the snowy Sundance hills to Academy Award predictions from Roger Ebert, 2007 belongs to Halifax actor Ellen Page and her new movie, Juno.
The Coast, Halifax's Weekly |
Tara Thorne |
12-28-2007 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Juno, Jason Reitman
'Cloudbreaker': Destiny's Childnew
Filmmaker Adam Garnet Jones relives youthful imagination and identity-seeking.
The Coast, Halifax's Weekly |
Sean Flinn |
12-04-2007 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Adam Garnet Jones, Cloudbreaker
'In The Same Boat?' Reels You Innew
Martha Stiegman's two-part documentary examines the complex struggles facing Nova Scotian and First Nations traditional fishing communities.
The Coast, Halifax's Weekly |
Carsten Knox |
11-16-2007 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: In The Same Boat?, Martha Stiegman
'Shake Hands With the Devil' Revisits Rwandan Genocidenew
The story that is being told here, from the filmmakers' perspective, is more complete than has been told in the other movies about the subject.
The Coast, Halifax's Weekly |
Carsten Knox |
09-18-2007 |
Profiles & Interviews
Chaz Thorne's 'Overnight' Successnew
Thorne burst onto the Canadian film scene this month by doing the basically unheard of -- getting his first two features, Just Buried, and Poor Boy's Game, in Toronto's film fest at the same time. But it didn't happen overnight.
The Coast, Halifax's Weekly |
Tara Thorne |
09-18-2007 |
Profiles & Interviews
'Shut Up' Loudnew
In this new documentary, and to us, the Dixie Chicks talk (and talk) about their unexpected roles as political targets/martyrs.
The Coast, Halifax's Weekly |
Tara Thorne |
11-13-2006 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Barbara Kopple, Shut Up & Sing
Is Hollywood Ready?new
As the feature film drops into theatres across Canada, the brain behind Trailer Park Boys is staring down his biggest potential success yet.
The Coast, Halifax's Weekly |
Carsten Knox |
10-06-2006 |
Profiles & Interviews