AltWeeklies Wire

Page One: Inside the New York Timesnew

Andrew Rossi's documentary Page One buffs the Grey Lady's image.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  06-17-2011  |  Movies

Discourteous Discoursenew

The social networking approach to film criticism is not about democracy.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  10-01-2010  |  Movies

On the Strange Symbiosis Between Publicists and Film Criticsnew

Greenberg, the big-budget mumblecore movie by Noah Baumbach, should enter the language as Woody Allen’s Zelig did — a title that goes beyond ethnic specificity to stand for a particular social disorder: the tendency toward vanity, suppression and censorship.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  03-18-2010  |  Movies

Wake Up and Smell the Oscars: They Stink!new

Everyone has their wakeup moment about the Academy Awards: A moment when you put away childish belief and realize it’s not at all about art but about popularity (as Sally Field once indicated and then got lambasted for her clarity).
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  03-04-2010  |  Movies

It's Been a Banner Year For Brooklyn-Based Movies. But Is There a 'Brooklyn Film'?new

The notably thriving social enclaves of Brooklyn—particularly the areas of Williamsburg and Greenpoint—have grown increasingly gentrified in direct proportion to the down-and-dirty mystique. In that conflict lies a distinct two-headed beast ever-present in the movies of the region.
New York Press  |  Eric Kohn  |  12-10-2009  |  Movies

Homo Panic! at the Cinemanew

Quasi-queer movies such as Bruno and Humpday are late to the game, while Nia Vardalos' rom-com, I Hate Valentine's Day, provides better gay imagery.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  07-09-2009  |  Movies

Eddie Murphy's Skin Color -- Not His Movies -- Makes the Media Hate Himnew

By beautiful coincidence, the critical drubbing of Murphy's Meet Dave preceded controversy over the New Yorker magazines cover cartoon of Barack Obama as a terrorist-agent.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  07-24-2008  |  Movies

What We Don't Talk About When We Talk About Moviesnew

Taking aim at the critics who write with their thumbs.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  04-24-2008  |  Movies

Trying Out Tribecanew

By blending obscure titles with the work of proven talent, Tribeca provides a resolutely solid collage of the film community's modern state.
New York Press  |  Eric Kohn  |  04-24-2008  |  Movies

Sundance Shufflenew

Everyone at the Sundance Film Festival this year agreed: It’s no easy task to tell a good story.
New York Press  |  Eric Kohn  |  01-31-2008  |  Movies

A Year Without Altmannew

The notable abscence of the master director diminished the art of movies in 2007.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  01-03-2008  |  Movies

Everybody and Their Brother Made a Movie in 2007new

Coens, Afflecks, Farrellys, Wilsons, Wachowskis… O brother, there art thou!
New York Press  |  Staff  |  01-03-2008  |  Movies

The Better Than Listnew

End of the year movie polls used to offer consensus; now they preserve film culture's herd-mentality. But anyone who responds to movies for what they mean -- instead of the way they are sold -- must depart the herd. That's how to find good, unheralded (often derided) films that don't insult the intelligence.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  01-03-2008  |  Movies

Scabby TV Writers Outed By Fake Craigslist Adnew

While 12,000 WGA members walk the picket lines, 80 New York writers email us to take their jobs.
New York Press  |  Matt Elzweig  |  11-15-2007  |  Movies

Bizarro Jerrynew

It's nine years after Seinfeld, and Jerry still isn't master of his domain. What went wrong?
New York Press  |  David Blum  |  11-01-2007  |  Movies

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