AltWeeklies Wire

So Long, Summer Movies -- Hello, Fall Filmsnew

Fall is the best time of year for film critics, because the award-oriented prestige films finally get trotted out for judgment. Here's a handy clip 'n' save list of movies I'm personally looking forward to.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Anders Wright  |  08-27-2008  |  Movies

Summer Movies for Those Who are More Indie Than Indynew

So, you're one of those artsy types who can't deal with the summer popcorn movies. No worries: There's plenty of small- to mid-size movies sneaking in under the blockbuster radar.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Anders Wright  |  04-30-2008  |  Movies

15 Years of Peliculas Latinasnew

What a long, strange trip it's been for the Latino Film Fest's founder.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Anders Wright  |  03-05-2008  |  Movies

The 10 Best Movies of the Yearnew

It's just one critic's opinion, but my favorites include The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, and Ratatouille.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Anders Wright  |  12-26-2007  |  Movies

San Diego Announces New Film Festivalnew

Cinema Sud Italian Film Festival, which celebrates Italian films, runs from Oct. 12 through 25.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Anders Wright  |  09-26-2007  |  Movies

Alt-Weekly Staffers Who Don't Watch the Simpsonsnew

Yeah, I didn't believe it either; but the San Diego's CityBeat has two.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Staff  |  07-30-2007  |  Movies


These are a few of our favorite things.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Staff  |  07-30-2007  |  Movies

Lisa Simpson: Renaissance Girlnew

The heart and soul of the longest-running TV sitcom of all time.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Anders Wright  |  07-30-2007  |  Movies


These are a few of our favorite things.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Staff  |  07-25-2007  |  Movies

The Renaissance Girl of 'The Simpsons'new

Lisa Simpson is the heart and soul of the longest-running TV sitcom of all time, but she will likely play second saxophone again in The Simpsons Movie.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Anders Wright  |  07-25-2007  |  Movies

Summer Movie Preview II: The Sequelnew

We still know what you did last summer -- you were at the movies, catching a sequel.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Anders Wright  |  05-09-2007  |  Movies

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