AltWeeklies Wire

Cinematic Representations of Female Athletes Evolve Alongside Women's Sportsnew

What do tricked-out bikes, Canadian roller derby, prepubescent soccer players, and cops playing a 4,000-year-old Southeast Asian sport have in common? All are the subjects of documentaries screening at the Baltimore Women's Film Festival's Women in Sports shorts program.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Raven Baker  |  10-28-2008  |  Movies

Filmmakers Turn Lens On Baltimore's Growing Latino Populationnew

Viva El Cine Latino, a Latino short film festival, is a long-overdue examination of Baltimore's Latino culture through language and how linguistic misunderstandings can lead, through pain and confusion, to growth and catharsis.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Robbie Whelan  |  10-14-2008  |  Movies

Digital Video Has Become as Unreliable a Narrator as Celluloidnew

Hollywood has finally started to respond to the success of YouTube and other online video sites. Cloverfield, Redacted, and Diary of the Dead purported to be "found" videos, made by someone who didn't plan for their footage to wind up in a movie theater. But video looks too good to be "real."
Baltimore City Paper  |  Martin L. Johnson  |  06-24-2008  |  Movies

Launching Legacy Film Festivalnew

Last fall, Jasmine Richardson and Laura Green decided to launch a minority film festival in Baltimore. Some six months later and the pair has realized it's not only possible, but it's happening.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Bret McCabe  |  03-04-2008  |  Movies

Zombie Nationnew

It's the living that's unsettling about The Living Dead.
Baltimore City Paper  |  John Berndt  |  02-19-2008  |  Movies

'The Wire' Goes On the Recordnew

David Simon turns an unblinking eye toward daily journalism with its fifth and final season.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Bret McCabe  |  01-08-2008  |  Movies

Top Ten: The Year in Moviesnew

La Vie en Rose, Control, and I'm Not There didn't merely rescue the music biopic from Hollywood; they represent the best of what 2007 movies offered: an explosion of cinematic craft.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Staff  |  12-18-2007  |  Movies

Confessions of a Neocon TV Fannew

Or, how I learned how to stop worrying if watching torture condones torture and enjoy prime time American television.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Bret McCabe  |  12-18-2007  |  Movies

No Money, No Funnynew

If you can't muster up any sympathy for the Writers Guild, then perhaps you deserve to watch The Biggest Loser. There's your irony for you.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Brian Morton  |  11-20-2007  |  Movies

Novelist Thomas Long Hits The Big Screennew

Long's book A Thug's Life, a novel about a pair of West Baltimore drug dealers turned into a direct-to-DVD movie adaptation, 4 Life, on a big screen with celebrity guests, radio personalities, and fans.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Jason Torres  |  07-31-2007  |  Movies

The Last of the Strongmennew

Gordon Scott was a hero wherever he went -- from Hollywood to Italy to South Baltimore.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Chris Landers  |  05-08-2007  |  Movies

Splice Worldnew

Film program takes a considered look at an often overlooked film technique: the edit.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Violet Glaze  |  01-03-2007  |  Movies

Coming Soonnew

The box-office battle between Baltimore's independent movie theaters turns on the imminent arrival of a new national player.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Van Smith  |  07-11-2006  |  Movies

Networked Overnew

Film critics are mad as hell, and they'll just have to take it.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Ian Grey  |  03-01-2006  |  Movies

The Original Kings of Cinemanew

Looking at early African-American filmmakers through today's eyes.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Violet Glaze  |  02-10-2006  |  Movies

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