AltWeeklies Wire

Who Wrote What on HBO's "Girls"new

Lena Dunham may be the face (and body) of the controversial series, but she’s not the only brain.
Orlando Weekly  |  Ashley Belanger  |  03-29-2013  |  TV

Missing 'Men': Ten ways to stay busy until 'Mad Men' returnsnew

Show creator Matthew Weiner’s well-documented battles with his writing staff, Lionsgate producers and AMC network execs led Season 5 negotiations up to the precipice. Weiner isn’t, as he threatened, going to take his ball and go play on another network, but the delay means fans will have to wait until March 2012 for their next fix, instead of the late-July/early-August premiere of the previous four seasons. Until then, we’ve devised a list of substitutes – Nicorette for your Lucky Strikes, if you will. Break out the chip ’n’ dip; it’s going to be a long seven months.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jessica Bryce Young and Justin Strout  |  08-16-2011  |  TV

Missing Mennew

Ten ways to keep busy until Mad Men returns.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jessica Bryce Young and Justin Strout  |  08-15-2011  |  TV

Coming Soon to Your TV: Even More Billy Mays!new

Soon you'll find Mays and his business partner Anthony Sullivan gesticulating their way into the world of reality television with an inventing showcase called Pitchmen, due to air next spring. Can Billy Mays get any more in-your-face? You bet he can.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  10-17-2008  |  TV

More News from PBS: 'Worldfocus' Makes its Debutnew

PBS has a new new nightly show, Worldfocus, which debuted nationally Oct. 6. The half-hour news program features what anchorman Martin Savidge calls "compelling stories gleaned and gathered from all around the world, brought back to Americans in a way that really matters."
Orlando Weekly  |  Marc D. Allan  |  10-07-2008  |  TV

Chiklis Plays Dirty to the Endnew

While The Shield centers around corrupt cops, it also offers some sense of balance by showing officers and detectives who do play by the rules.
Orlando Weekly  |  Marc D. Allan  |  09-05-2008  |  TV

Jesus TVnew

Orlando's new starring role in the gospel of prosperity.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  07-17-2007  |  TV

Catch Him if you Can: A short dive into the bottom of Steven Spielbergnew

The Turner Classic Movies documentary Spielberg on Spielberg has two strikes against it from the very start, and they’re both right there in the title. To begin with, there’s limited value in having any artist handicap his or her own work; too often, he or she ends up displaying a blithe unawareness of failings everybody else has long since spotted. And intellectual rigor isn’t a quality one would automatically associate with Steven Spielberg, who has no serious challengers to his status as cinema history’s most monetarily successful middlebrow.
Orlando Weekly  |  Steve Schneider  |  07-05-2007  |  TV

I Love Television: Alec, the Best Baldwinnew

UPDATE! At press time it was revealed that Alec Baldwin allegedly left a voice mail for his 11-year-old daughter, calling her a "thoughtless little pig" -- the role of "Best Baldwin" will now be portrayed by his brother, Daniel.
Orlando Weekly  |  Wm. Steven Humphrey  |  04-30-2007  |  TV

I Love Television: Smallvillenew

Today we're going to talk about Smallville, and ... OH, STOP GROANING.
Orlando Weekly  |  Wm. Steven Humphrey  |  04-23-2007  |  TV

I Love Television: 'Drive' is EXTREMEnew

Speaking of DRIVING and EXTREME, there's this show debuting on Fox this week which is not nearly as EXTREME as Bruce Willis standing on the hood of bin Laden's flying Humvee and peeing all over his windshield -- but it's still pretty EXTREME. It's called Drive.
Orlando Weekly  |  Wm. Steven Humphrey  |  04-16-2007  |  TV

'Dancing With the Stars' Returns for Another Seasonnew

This time it's going to be a bona fide marijuana freakout!
Orlando Weekly  |  Wm.™ Steven Humphrey  |  03-19-2007  |  TV

Why We Love Slasher Filmsnew

Going to Pieces focuses on the highlights of three main "cycles" of slasher flicks, while dismantling many of the preconceptions about the genre.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jason Ferguson  |  10-23-2006  |  TV

Slave to the Grindnew

Adult Swim veteran Brendon Smalls stakes his hopes on metal with a new project -- the bombastic music-biz parody with the odd title of Metalocalypse -- and it's everything Home Movies commercially wasn’t.
Orlando Weekly  |  Steve Schneider  |  08-03-2006  |  TV

L.A. Womannew

In The Closer, Kyra Sedgewick is a little lady in the City of Angels.
Orlando Weekly  |  Lindy T. Shepherd  |  06-12-2006  |  TV

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