AltWeeklies Wire

Jon Wilkman Talks About His PBS Doc 'Chicano Rock'

PBS documentary traces the music of the Mexican-Americans who ride up and down Whittier Blvd.
NUVO  |  Marc D. Allan  |  12-04-2008  |  TV

10 Years of Nothing

It's been a decade since the last new episode of Seinfeld. Yet we're still watching.
NUVO  |  Marc D. Allan  |  05-09-2008  |  TV

A Non-History Lesson

The Tudors is fun. But remember: It's Showtime, not the History Channel.
NUVO  |  Marc D. Allan  |  03-19-2008  |  TV

Thanks for Nothing

The return of late-night TV did the striking writers no favors.
NUVO  |  Marc D. Allan  |  01-07-2008  |  TV

We Were Young Once (And So Was TV)

Pioneers of Television is a walk down memory lane.
NUVO  |  By Marc D. Allan  |  12-28-2007  |  TV

An Inconvenient Man

Independent Lens film examines the legacy of Ralph Nader.
NUVO  |  By Marc D. Allan  |  12-10-2007  |  TV

New Kid in Town

CBS' Kid Nation emerges as one of the most interesting shows of the fall TV season.
NUVO  |  Marc D. Allan  |  12-03-2007  |  TV

Back to the 'Futurama'

Four years after Fox left it for dead, Matt Groening and David X. Cohen's Futurama has a new life.
NUVO  |  Marc D. Allan  |  11-16-2007  |  TV

Keeping God Out of the Classroom

NOVA explores the court case that decided "intelligent design" has no place in public schools in Judgment Day.
NUVO  |  Marc D. Allan  |  11-04-2007  |  TV

All Hail the Jerry Lewis Telethonnew

Since it's debut in 1966, the Jerry Lewis-hosted Muscular Dystrophy telethon has only gotten weirder and more wonderful.
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  08-30-2007  |  TV

With God on Their Side?

Christiane Amanpour finds out what makes God's Warriors tick.
NUVO  |  Marc D, Allan  |  08-12-2007  |  TV

The TV Season in 427 Words

Here's how the networks' new season shapes up.
NUVO  |  Marc D. Allan  |  07-30-2007  |  TV

What's New on TV?

News and notes from the first week of the TV critics press tour.
NUVO  |  Marc D. Allan  |  07-15-2007  |  TV

Ready to Soar

Flight of the Conchords have deadpan down pat.
NUVO  |  Marc D. Allan  |  07-15-2007  |  TV

'Les Paul: Chasing Sound': A Guitar Hero

PBS' Les Paul documentary honors the man -- and rightly so.
NUVO  |  Marc D. Allan  |  07-09-2007  |  TV

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