AltWeeklies Wire
The Microfinance Mythnew

A solution to global poverty? Not so fast, says Hugh Sinclair.
East Bay Express |
Ellen Cushing |
07-19-2012 |
Understanding North Koreanew
For years, the activists at the Korea Policy Institute have been trying to influence US policy toward North Korea. Finally, Washington may be listening.
East Bay Express |
Kathleen Wentz |
11-04-2009 |
For Dr. Amir Shervin, the Iranian Hostage Crisis Lives Onnew

An Iranian physician trying to right a 29-year-old wrong has a scrape with police and gets charged with assault by an aide to Senator Boxer.
East Bay Express |
Greg M. Schwartz |
04-23-2008 |
Suffering in Haiti Largely Forgottennew
Filmmaker Kevin Pina, who was arrested while reporting in Port-au-Prince on Sept. 9, seems to be the only American reporter working full-time to publicize the misery in Haiti.
East Bay Express |
Chris Thompson |
09-26-2005 |
Fishin' for Evildoers on the Pacific Coastnew
The Alameda County Sheriff's Department believes it is the only county agency in the nation that defends its residents with a fully manned antiterrorist gunboat.
East Bay Express |
Justin Berton |
09-26-2005 |
Oakland Band Attempts to Rock Libya's Casbahnew
Heavenly States set out to be the first American band to play Libya. And they wanted to learn what it was like to live there. One goal proved easier to reach than the other.
East Bay Express |
Rob Harvilla |
03-02-2005 |
Tags: international